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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Going down on what? I don't let hubby eat pinepple
  2. I thought it was a pineapple song, did he change it?
  3. Do you think it was the song?
  4. Yes but not as off putting as finding "sour cream" in it If I step on a crack will it break my mama's back?
  5. Where the heck has @barry been?
  6. Thank you for the update Joe. I'm so happy that they caught your sisters cancer early enough but so sad to hear she is smoking again. This truly is a nasty addiction and hopefully she'll be able to beat this addiction before it's too late.
  7. Hi tocevoD, what you're going through is totally normal. This addiction is going to rear its ugly head here and there maybe for years. But the first year's by far the hardest. I still get craves at almost two years but they're so weak it's easy to look past them. You'll get there too. I promise. I found reading the post about no man's land really helpful so maybe you will to
  8. Thank you for sharing your story Joe and I too am sorry you lost your parents at such a young age. I hope they caught your sister's lung cancer early enough and that she's doing good today......
  9. Thanks for the update on your BIL opah, I'm sure his good spirits will help him fight
  10. For the same reason you start frantically wiping yourself all over when you run into a spider web My hubby keeps telling people he'll give them a ring, should I be worried?
  11. An average piece of string is approximately 4 feet +/- 3 feet If Tarzan was raised by monkeys who taught him how to talk?
  12. My condolences too. Such a sad tragedy....?
  13. Didn't you say it could grow 7 inches long, so what's to miss? Lol
  14. You'll be stoked to know mate that I've busted a gut to learn me inner kiwi eh
  15. @notsmokinjo poor hyena, that's just cruel!
  16. Sorry to read this Opah, my thoughts are with you....
  17. Possibly as long as they're not interrupted by Christopher Walken in on them Is whale sperm the reason the ocean is so salty?
  18. Congratulations kev, you're doing great!
  19. Congratulations Shane, my friend and fellow gamer, three months is awesome!!! I hope you do something special for yourself today to celebrate
  20. Welcome Rosewothorne and congratulations on taking back your life
  21. Should I yodel for them instead?

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