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Blog Comments posted by Sslip


    Such a brave post.


    I can well understand why you feel it most intensely around the anniversary of your mum's passing and I feel for you. No mask can lift the kind of depression you talk about. Please consider seeking additional help with the depression. There are many ways in which this can be helped.


    You should be proud of yourself for the care and love you provided to your mum. Regardless of her illness, I'm certain she would have appreciated that warmth and affection and she would have known how much she was loved as she faced her final days. What a brave person you are. Don't be too brave though, nobody should face this alone. Mental health is important and for a multitude of reasons 1 in 4 of us these days suffer with mental illness in some way. When you are ready find the support you deserve. Happy to talk to you here or in messanger if that would help.


    Be kind to yourself!

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  2. Christine, way to go jumping back on the train again. I like the tenacity, you know it is time for you, but you need to make it stick so you don't have to keep going through this early phase.

    There is going to be up and downs on this rollercoaster, make sure you have clear in your head everything that this quit means to you. Spend a lot of time here if you can to distract and educate yourself.


    I wish you a whole lot of strength and shout when you need.

  3. Christine, sad to hear.


    Don't give up on giving up. You need to be clear on the reasons you want to quit.


    Write them down, drum them into your mind, so there is no way you are ever going to forget. Then go again.

    • Like 3
  4. Hey Sunny, hope things have settled down for you over the past couple of days.


    I don't have many details left over from the start of my quit as qsmb went down. However I had been noting my general feeling in those early days. I know each quit is different, but I found the first 10 days relatively easy, I guess from the sheer determination and adrenaline of it. I had a period of around 8 days in the second and third weeks where it felt like I was travelling through hell. It is a dim memory now and it is only looking back on my notes I remember it. I promise you, if it is still tough, it does get better. 


    At the time I couldn't quite get my head around how it got more difficult, but it was temporary. 


    Keep pushing through! 

    • Like 1
  5. Sunny, you need to give yourself the greatest credit in saving your quit!


    The time you take to post in your blog, the thought you put into your posts and the fact that when you were struggling you did exactly the right thing in posting nope again. It helps others to see when you may be struggling. I know that Jo noticed last night as well.


    It's not so long ago I was in the midst of that constant battle myself, so it is very fresh in my memory. It's the benefit of us all treading this path together.


    Give your hubby a big thank you as well, for looking out for you. It would have been easy and perhaps easier for him to have let you lapse.


    You're a good role model on how this should be done. Excellent work and we are super proud of you today.

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