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Everything posted by Soozie

  1. what do you think about the idea of moving onto ashtrays ??? I know it's a big call, but it's doable ...
  2. I know, it's awful, but I just have to do it, I just can't help myself ... a few years ago we had foxtel and were paying over a $100 a month for it, the only thing I was watching was my soaps and they were months behind the UK ... I thought OK this is silly, I'm just going to get rid of foxtel and never watch my soaps again ... I've been here for 26 years in September it's time to say goodbye ... well I managed it for a few months, and then found myself going online and reading the 'catch ups' then I found a way to watch them on youtube, so within a couple of weeks I'd had a complete relapse couldn't live without it ... and then, something changed and I couldn't find them on youtube anymore ... I was a mess, but then I discovered a company that sells you an IPN number so I can pick up the iplayers ... I got diamond earrings for Christmas last year from hubby and around about the same time he sorted out my UK TV ($8 a month), I was so excited I remember saying to him this is the best present I've ever had in my whole life ... true story ... don't suppose I'll get much next Christmas lol
  3. yeah ... took a while to get here Bandito ... but it was worth the wait ...
  4. loving this ... I'm having a 70's theme party for my 50th in May, this is going on the play list ... :lol:
  5. I have recently found a way to watch UK and American TV here in OZ. I have always been hooked on Coro and EE so being able to watch them live if I wish (but usually I'm asleep when they are being aired) so I watch them the next morning whilst having my breakfast, loving it ... I even get to watch the news at ten if I get up early enough hahaha ... you can take the pome out of England but you can't take England out of the pome !!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Hi Carly, how lovely to meet you :)
  7. Evelyn, you're a star ... x
  8. Hi Doreen, you're impressed with my not smoking or my nimble fingers ? lol
  9. Hi Action, yep it felt really good, enjoying the afternoon with my daughters and their friends, and NOT smoking ... I remember when you had a stag party to go to and were worried about smoking, but you managed it really well ! (think it was a stag party ?)
  10. well in that case I'll carry on then hahaha ... I could turn it into a hobby lol
  11. I'm liking your way of thinkiing MQ ... how about I move onto ashtrays ??? I love a challenge lol
  12. thanks Tracey, what about the lighter theft ... is that acceptable behaviour ???
  13. I'll have a window seat please !
  14. Andrew ... huge belly laugh going on here ... priceless !
  15. When I was smoking I had an awful habit of taking peoples lighters, well at one point we moved to a bigger table, and yes I did ... I nicked a lighter, when I got home I found it in my handbag .... I didn't even know I'd done it ... how weird is that ?
  16. I was as the gym for an hour. I managed a 4.5k run, I'm increasing it a little bit every time I run, I so badly want to get back up to 10k's which is where I was at last year. The rest of the time I was on the rowing machine.
  17. oh Bakon that's funny, I had a bit too much to drink last night as well, but I promised myself I would go to the gym, it was really difficult, I was drenched with sweat what a mess I was in ... felt heaps better after though :)
  18. My daughters invited me to join them at the pub this afternoon ... there aren't many pubs around where you can still smoke, so the one's that do allow smoking get packed, and today was no exception ... a lovely sunny afternoon so everyone wanted to sit in the sun and drink and smoke. I can honestly say with my hand on heart that I wasn't tempted not once ... on a few occasions smoke was being blown my way and I found myself leaning away from it ... feeling dead chuffed with myself I am :)
  19. Hey Bassman, this really was a very interesting read ... thankyou :)
  20. Hi Joe, pleased to see you here .... such a lovely family photo ... can't get over how much your daughters look alike !
  21. Hi Fay, please to meet you
  22. we do have floors in Oz you know lol

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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