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Everything posted by Sazerac

  1. You know Marti, when I go for a wallow (as we all do sometimes), I make mine a doozy... Lots of mud and blood and plenty of pig calling, SOOOOO WEEEEEE ! HOY HOY HOY ! All my worst case scenarios are thrown in the swill. Fears Doubts all the yuck in the muck. Rolling around in it, for days, weeks...I don't care...until in the midst of good wallow hollering, I start laughing. A little snicker at first and soon the hysteria of full on belly laughs and It feels so good all of a sudden, all clean again. Nice cool mud. Love ya baby, S
  2. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    4 yippie Doll to the rescue
  3. I'll try in the am. I usually wake up in a real good mood. But, I was thinking of plan B. ...if I just keep 'forgetting' on purpose and keep receiving the computer generated ones... won't ONE of them be memorable? wonder what the chances of THAT is. :wacko:
  4. I have same problem, my secret word is written on a scrap of paper somewhere, looks a lot like yours. I have failed trying to change it and have given up. Who is this web designer...it needs a tweaking for sure. MQ Bad for blowing you off and he seems so nice ! Maybe I will try again when I am in a very good mood. Good luck Chrispy and let us know WHEN you succeed. Love, S
  5. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    0 a Zero afternoon, DD
  6. 0 big with the zero today, gotta go paint, later alligator
  7. -2 ? I am confused with the turning of the page
  8. I think everything leaves trails of bunny poo...but, how can this be used to advantage ? Will ask smarty pants Nephew.

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