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Big High-Five To All Newbies :)

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I just wanted to give a big shout-out to all the people here who are still under a year quit in particular. You have both my appreciation and in a way, my sympathy because; I too am among you.


We rightfully give a lot of attention to the very new quitters because they are in a new and fragile battle with their addiction but after a month or so, meh ..... you're on your own more or less.


You're then at that point when your friends and family just wish you'd stop talking about your quit and just be a normal person again .... haha ..... if only eh? Ummmm ... Hello! We're still struggling a bit in trying to figure out what normal is.


We used to get up in the morning and light up a smoke before we even had our coffee (or tea). Now we just get up and skip the smoke part. We used to drive to work and smoke before we got to where ever it is we were going. We then used to figure out whether we needed to buy more smokes to last the day before getting home in the evening. We then had to plan when we could go outside to have "a smoke break". Is it raining today? Is it horribly cold today? All that time spent figuring out our smoking routine. Then drag our sorry a**es back home in the evening smoking in the car along the way feeling like a hamster running on a wheel.


We are so glad to be rid of all that crap, honestly we are!! But; what the hell do we do now with all this extra time? A lot of our subconscious day was filled with figuring out or planning smoking related issues. Those are all gone now and we don't know what to do to fill those hours productively. Yes, it amounts to hours per day. Is it any wonder we feel lost, anxious and rather irritable at times?


We will slowly begin to figure all this stuff out. Like the beginning part of our quit, it will be so gradual we will hardy realize it but slowly that time will be filled with productive stuff. I don't even know what that stuff will be myself at this point but it will be non-smoking related stuff.


Those that are at a year or more I expect realize this already. It's those of us who are not there yet but also not still newbies that need to figure this stuff out on our own and we must do this without the overwhelming support we had during the early part of our quit - aside from the support we may get on sites like this (which is a blessing I might add).


So; this is why I want to recognise this group of under 1 year quitters. It's not easy but it's something we must do and will do with the support of people here that have already been where we are! Let's raise a glass to each other!





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Good post. I forgot about half that stuff by now. The extra time is spent dieting I think. And planning on when to buy next pack, went to cartons to avoid that mess. See the cost of them now?


Don't forget to reward yourself during this trip. Like the tard said, nobody cares after a while but you are still working it out and it's not always unicorns farting rainbows.

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Bbbrrriiiiliant R !!!

What a great reminder of how far we have come..as the years pass..the whole newbie experience fades too.

This is why posts like this are so important...

And I agree 100% ..with the rewards...when the pat on the back from friends and family stop..this is when you need to be rewarded..and come here of course ..we will always give you a good pat..x

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Great post and one that should be bumped..often.


So true about filling the time, can seem such an problem (if that's the right word) for a while. I found that when I felt lost I'd go for a walk, re ramp the kitchen cupboards and just set to in doing something. I think that's the thing...do something. You have my word that before long you will have naturally filled that time and it will be your new normal.


Heads down and keep marching guys...it's so worth it.

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Great post it is so true as we muddle through the day with all this extra time.... I think sometimes we smoked just for something to do. I still see a sunny day as one of those moments where I used to enjoy sitting out in the sunshine smoking. I know as the weather FINALLY starts to warm up I will feel nostalgic about those moments. Even though my brain knows that is not a reward or something enjoyable to be smoking I will need to sort out the what now moments. Such a good reminder the struggle is there, not all the time, not every minute but still there lingering.

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^^^  Yes, I too wonder what's ahead once this insufferable winter weather turns to lovely warm spring days. Slipping outside to my back deck for a smoke was such a prominent part of my weekend routine. Will be kind of weird not doing that now. Maybe I'll take up walking around the block or something. Never had any interest in doing that before but, it may be a nice distraction now :)

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^^^  Yes, I too wonder what's ahead once this insufferable winter weather turns to lovely warm spring days. Slipping outside to my back deck for a smoke was such a prominent part of my weekend routine. Will be kind of weird not doing that now. Maybe I'll take up walking around the block or something. Never had any interest in doing that before but, it may be a nice distraction now :)

It certainly worked for me, especially with my favourite music playing in my head phones. I absolutely, no doubt, used to section up my day by smoking (apart from easing the craving) as ridiculous as it sounds I felt lost. I also learned to just take five and have a glass of water. I'm really looking forward to your day, the day you realise that you haven't had time to even think about filling that time. It comes...

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The weather was not too bad today so I went out to the back deck and guess what I found?


That disgusting old butt-can from last year where I USED to toss all my cancer stick remnants. Been out there all winter.


Got no use for it now so, it's outta there :)





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