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Thought for the day


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Tonight before you go to sleep

think of something that makes you smile

there is always something no matter

how bad your day may have been

you will sleep better  you will feel better

once you wake up and you will face

your new day with a positive mind

Not all storms come

to disrupt your life

some come to

clear your path

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Life has taught me I am not

always in control life is full of

experiences lesson heartbreak

and pain but it has also shown

me love beauty possibilities and

new beginnings embrace it all

it makes us who we are and

after every storm comes a clear sky


Edited by Linda
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First time looking at your thread. You could have a second career as a motivational speaker (typist)  So glad to have positive input while I fight.


was trying to respond to your last post but I think I somehow sent this again. I am not ever going to be a tech person


Edited by Kris
I think I messed this up
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Give yourself the time you need

healing does not happen overnight

it may not even happen in a week

or even a month but it will happen

you will get there and you will be

stronger softer kinder just be patient and

take all the time you need I believe in you

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I case no one told you today

you're beautiful you're loved

You're needed you're alive for

a reason you're stronger than

you think you're going to get

through this I'm glad you're alive

Don't give up

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I turned around and my Babies had grown up, I turned around again and I was a grand father, one thing I learned was there will always be bills or some kind of work to do it never ceases. 

During that time I lost some of my children growing up and some of my children becoming portents that time can never be recovered.

So spend Today  with your loved ones.

My Grandson and I will be going out to the Game refuse to spend 5 days out, Target shooting, building our muscle memory and our shooting technique.   We will be riding the Range on our trusted Gator, chasing the bad guys out and helping the good.

We have such a good time out there together and he gets plenty of me time to hike and explore, do a little hunting and trapping   Its been work and more work on  the house or at work I have needed this. 

Just this thought to pass on,  life goes by so fast and before you know it that "we'll do it tomorrow" is long gone in the past,

Take Time To love those who would  love, Play with those who would play, Laugh with those who would laugh and  dream with those who would dream.

You can make promises for tomorrow but live for today !

 Have no Shoulda, woulda coulda at the end of your time.


Edited by Opah
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you just want to make me cry, such beautiful sentiments.  You are right, I only have one child who is grown and married.  I have one grandson and I spend as much time as I can with him. You know how it is when you have a young family, there is not enough time for them to do everything.  The older generation just has to be on stand by to soak up anytime that we can get.  There is no "we can do it tomorrow" once you lose your spouse.  So much does not interest me since he has gone. I keep going the best way I can. Just never thought this would be my life, could not imagine I would be without him.

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so correct Kris, my dad was not a very loving man, but my grandfather had miles of understanding and love to give to us Grand kids.  but with my dad he was off to the wars and didn't return until my father was a ten ager.  and so it was with my father, he was all with my kids, loved on them and took them riding with him  all that I didn't get.   Now I tried to not be my father as I could but there it was, work and other time demands having to be the disciplinary.  I honestly believe the purpose of grand parents is to fill that void parents can not these days


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I agree, I have to walk a fine line, don't want to be interfering Grandma. My grandson is what they call a step grandchild but I say he is mine and I am his.

I have been in his life since we was 6 months old.



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Your heart is heavy I understand

sometimes you feel like just giving up

I understand sometime you just need

to vent  to be able to say  all the things you

feel inside without the fear of being judge

or lectured I understand

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