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I finally WANT to quit. Until now its just been knowing I NEED to quit. Thank goodness. I'm not sure why or how the switch went on in my head but I'm glad it did!


I can't find my signature area to put my ticker info on. This is hard for me to admit because I'm a techy, but I'll be darned if I can find it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Hey Michelle -- good on the commitment to quit.  As to your signature go to your profile (upper right of page with your picture) then go to account settings -- on the left you should see signature click on that and should take you to the set-up for your signature.

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16 hours ago, MichelleDoesntSmokeAnymore said:

I'm not sure why or how the switch went on in my head but I'm glad it did!

Absolutely what happened to me Michelle. One fine morning, I came to work (where I would primarily smoke) and decided today is the day I stop buying and smoking them. Just like that. Of course there were challenges, but yeah it was just like a switch had flipped in my brain.


Good job on taking that call. Looking forward to celebrating your milestones with you.

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Michelle.  I hope you're still here.


I'm assuming you figured out how to make your ticker but now you need to know how to get to your signature so you can paste it there.  If so, copy your ticker......then:

  • Click on the drop down arrow next to your name in the upper right hand corner, then click on ACCOUNT SETTINGS (see below)



  • The SETTINGS window will appear.  Click on SIGNATURE (see below)


  • Finally, paste your ticker in SIGNATURE box (see below) and click SAVE.


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These are MY own personal thoughts, maybe not shared by everyone BUT I personally believe that if you want it enough then you will do it.


There are LOADS of positives about giving up smoking BUT if you don't really really WANT to give up then it will be MUCH tougher and sooner or later that weak moment will come and hey presto .... you are smoking again.


If you WANT to smoke then smoke, lot's of people realise they will more than likely die much earlier, they smell of an ash tray, it costs them loads of cash, they KNOW all the downside BUT if they are STILL happy smoking then why not? If you KNOW all these things but STILL choose to smoke then BE HAPPY DOING IT but it's STUPID doing something that makes you unhappy.


If you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to give up smoking then you will do it.

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That is very true FunkyfunJo.  You truly have to want to stop smoking.  The addiction tries very hard to draw you back in.  Being in the right mindset and knowing what you want gives you the power to beat the addiction.  How I wish I realized I had that power sooner than I did.  I am just thankful I finally had success.

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