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Nicole Diver

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Everything posted by Nicole Diver

  1. Solange is mellow - for 5 minutes. Oh puppies.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Devil Doll
    3. SanDar


      I Love Puppies and puppy kisses :)

    4. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      She is driving me cray

  2. 4:3 week. So today we eat cake.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. action


      Ummmmmmmmmm... Cake

    3. babs609


      ewwww...hostesss??? if i am going to have the calories it better not be hostess


    4. Jenny


      Now I wish I had a twinkie..


  3. You got a lot on your plate. Keep on keeping on!
  4. Oh the WORST thing was that little unhealthy sounding crackle when I laughed really hard when I was a smoker. I made sure to only laugh hard around close friends. Near the end there, I started to feel a twinge in my left lung, and who knows I may not be out of the words yet, but feel 100% since quitting. Just goes to show you, as I was not a terribly heavy smoker (closet smoker constantly in withdrawal) you still get all the bad side effects!
  5. Obsessed with HyVee salad bar.

  6. Working out has become a way of life for a lot of us ex smokers :). It's awesome.
  7. I thought kindle unlimited would help me not to buy any other books =/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Weather Wardens come first!

    3. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      I know :( It's "good cause" knitting though. I make chemo caps and donate them to the local cancer center and the Ronald McDonald house.

    4. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Ohhhhh. Well then that trumps reading.

  8. Beethoven on pandora, boscia face mask on, in my girl cave doing eleptical whilst reading 'Demon at my Door." Solange is hb's responsibilty for a while. So nice.

  9. So good to hear from you. You are really doing it! Best decision you can make for yourself and your kids. It's not always easy, and it's not always fun, but it's so worth it.
  10. I love toast.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nicole Diver
    3. Colleen


      Ha Ha funny. I like Arnold double protein bread toasted lightly with one tablespoon per slice of Skippy creamy...Yummy in my tummy :)


    4. Paul723
  11. How's it going Tom? Thinking of you.
  12. I watched so many quit smoking vids on youtube and read so much when I quit. Listened to Allen Carr audible. Read Allen Carr book. Maybe overkill, but it worked.
  13. "This...is audible."

  14. Have fun but keep in the forefront of your mind that not smoking is #1 priority right now. We're here for you anytime you need us!
  15. It's a fine day to be a non smoker.

  16. Nicole Diver


    We love coffee around here, you fit right in ;-)
  17. Moving sucks! Think about how you won't get winded lifting furniture now though. I am sooo happy for you that you are keeping positive. Remember, any discomfort is temporary. I love almond joy too <3
  18. Is MQ stealing my stars? Or Nancy? Couldn't be Holski...could it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. babs609


      I thought it was nancy who steals stars It's always the innocent looking ones



    3. Colleen


      Nancy steals likes...gotta be one of the hungry sharks

    4. MarylandQuitter
  19. Nicole Diver


    I know what you mean, completely. Go easy on yourself, you don't have to save the world right now, you just have to not smoke. I found, once I wasn't smoking anymore, everything else got just a little easier to deal with. Before I always had the problem at hand, and the problem of addiction. Now it's just the problem at hand. You are doing great :)
  20. Yesss! You know what they say, no one ever regretted quitting. I love this post. Hope and happiness and strength.
  21. My idea of 'gourmet coffee' is Folgers Breakfast Blend. True story.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. babs609


      hahaha...I knew before I even saw the comments that it was MQ chiming in


    3. sgt.barney


      When out in the back-woods, Sarge likes the crappy generic grocery-store brand instant mud. It's hella good on a morning of little sleep after schlepping 60 pounds on your back for 23 miles of trail through terrain. Funny how that tastes like shite at home, though.


    4. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      I drink folgers when I can afford it, and anything when I am desperate. Except 'shine. Sarge now you are making me want to hike. Which is something I would have never thought when I was a smoker.

  22. Nicole Diver

    Do Something

    My last quit, for 4 months I felt sorry for myself all the time like I'd given up something. I know it sounds cheesy, but at least at first, when you wake up in the morning, do the old Carr trick and say to yourself "yippee! I'm a non smoker!"
  23. You don't give up, ever, and I admire that. It's your time now :)
  24. Nicole Diver

    Alright already

    For your own peace of mind sis, just be done with those yucky cigs :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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