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Everything posted by Sazerac

  1. -5 hello all sweet innocents :)
  2. Could we have one of these instead ?? You know, ever since I saw y'all use those flotation devices, those god awful blasphemous floating monstrosities as a metaphor for a one year quit, it gave me the shivers. NO, I can't stand it ! I have a major visceral Freak Out when I see those photos. I mean, I LOVE y'all but, I will NEVER climb aboard one of those things EVEN metaphorically. Even to see YOU, ALL MY HEROES. I know you are saying, who the f k cares, S !! :P But, for my PEACE OF MIND (metaphorically and otherwise) I have decided to have a Smoke Free Tardis instead of that...that...OTHER thing. Everyone will fit, cocktails, swimming, shows, food, dancing girls....whatever you want. It could even float if you need it to float. Am I alone in this aversion to those....those....things. ? Lawd, help me. :(
  3. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -6 maybe i should surrender to this new schedule since I have nobody to be except painting in daylight and rise at 3, sleep around 19:00 ?
  4. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -4 I have to stop getting up at 3 am.
  5. Sazerac


    I think she is feeling too Sweet & Innocent. Far too sweet & Innocent to be exposed to such surly competition as those of us not quite so sweet & innocent. Love, S :)
  6. Hello QTrain, What helped you through your First Week without Nicotine? For me, it was: Watching The Clock and seeing 'craves' lasting a shorter and shorter time. Breathing purposefully. Satsumas. Water Saving the daily money for a pack of smokes. I kept it in a big jam jar and watched it pile up. Jumping Jacks , Dancing Wildly. House Cleaning. Determination and Desire for Freedom. I 'discovered' Joel Spitzer's videos. Daily Quitting Lesson Guide I had a suspicious (show me) attitude but, was quickly chastened and ultimately enlightened. It was during my First Nicotine Free Week, watching Joel, that I started to educate myself about Addiction. Denial was no longer my modus operandi. I started to face reality.
  7. -7 hi doll. you know, people leave their xmas lights up all year. I see no reason you shouldn't have Halloween always.
  8. It would be cool if we could keep it open thereby adding to it with new... quitters We could start one for First Week. Second Week. Third week. One month . Three months. Six months and 1 yr.... Our collective experience is a phenomenal strength. s
  9. Hey Sugar ! In 'Celebrations' We started a celebration thread for you...which you may have found had you been getting enough sleep . :) It will get better. Try to breathe intently, purposefully even if you can't sleep. That will, at least, put you in a restful state. Here is the start of your celebrations http://www.quittrain.com/topic/2774-slovenka177-has-1-week/
  10. Sazerac


    Thank you, Jimmy. You have blazed a trail . Thank you. :) Love, S
  11. Dear, dear Mams, Was Pretty Bird Messi related in anyway to Lionel Messi (the famous Argentine Footballer) ? I know you are real sad, Mam. When you can, post some photos. I found these pictures of flocks of Budgies while I was thinking of you and of Messi. and this next one, my favourite. I will think of Messi winging it in the wildest of Blue. Love, S

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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