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Everything posted by Sazerac

  1. your favourite colour is not pink :)
  2. oh, no no no no no. no no no. no no no no. TPBM will go ice fishing
  3. Sazerac

    I spy

    the finger you sliced with a piece of paper the other day
  4. to free ourselves from deadly addiction and found LOVE and
  5. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    3 what cha doin' tomorrow JOE ?
  6. -5 hi Joe, what cha gonna do tomorrow ?
  7. False. I neither enjoy Cold or BS. TPBM will remember that it snows in Virginia too. :(
  8. Yes, My Daughter, How can I help you ? Love G
  9. Still, we shall not be defeated ! and will start afresh...
  10. You are not forgotten. Glad you are still Free. When you participate more you won't feel so lonesome, sugar, and you never know who you will touch and help along in their journey. Don't forget, there is always a good crowd on the N O P E thread EVERY DAY. :)
  11. a peculiar, evasive sort of feeling . Perhaps, a precurser to
  12. I have bequeathed the moniker, 'Danger Boy' to Sonic.
  13. It takes around 72 hours for nicotine to leave your body. The rest is re-training your brain to your new Freedom. You should start reading stuff here. Education makes for a successful quit. You don't have to be a misery to be around no matter what you are going through The first weeks take Resolve. You can do it. Do it now. Why not now ? Commit to Not One Puff EVER and you are Free. Easy Peasy as our friend, Sarge, says. Go over the beginning of this thread and watch the movies people put up for you and take everybody's advice. We are all successful quitters at various stages in our Freedom and can help you in many ways but the first step is yours. Quit.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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