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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Ria

    chicks or sticks

    come on girls!!!!!!
  2. awww (((TEW))) xox I'm the opposite!! much LESS of the above PLUS more 'relaxed' and not giving a TOSS what others think, including family!!! Which is odd, given I hated hiding smoking from them...??? go figure!!
  3. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nearly did it again!!!! clicked " view new content" !!! instead of "Post" sure I've done that before and not noticed... *sigh*
  4. OH...... MY...... GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Ria

    chicks or sticks

    MINUS SIX!!!! (hehehehehe)
  6. ???? I don't understand???? what happened in that hour????? who cut you???
  7. LOL re; the shoes!!! true!!! My sis and BIL have a BC and boy! do they chew!!!!
  8. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! (YES!!! it IS Tuesday the 13th October already here in Oz..3.20am to be precise!)
  9. Awwwwww Marti! xox He's LOVELY!!!! and obviously a lucky little fellow to have crossed your path!!! I'm here early today, as brain in overdrive after a loo visit, so got up... saw your thread title and HAVE TO AGREE!!!!! OMG!! even family! not going into it.. but today of ALL days, I agree... people are rubbish!! (well, some)
  10. Evelyn... would you say that to your best friend???? would you tell them over and over how useless and stupid they are?????? I'm guessing not... so WHY in God's name, are you speaking to YOURSELF like that??????? sheeeesh!
  11. Ria

    chicks or sticks

    ZERO!!! c'mon boys! play the game!!!!
  12. Do you think they tasted of smoke, TEW?
  13. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeehawww!!!!
  14. No, Michelle, I didn't.. but the human body is not an 'exact science'...
  15. I KNOW!!!!!!! I can even smell dust!!!! TRUE!!! and I wasn't a "heavy" smoker.. well, I WAS, but not when I quit THIS time LOL!!! Anyway, I'm sure y'all know what I mean LOL!!!

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