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Everything posted by Colleen

  1. Congratulations Betsy! You are doing a great job leading the way for us right behind you!
  2. It feels strange to read our old posts and reflect on how we have evolved into a non-smoker, isn't it?
  3. Huge Congratulations Joe!
  4. Colleen

    Day 5

    Good job Sarah! Two days to go and we will be celebrating your first week smoke free! I agree with what Marti said above, come and post in the discussions on the main board. It will be helpful to your quit and we can get to know you better that way.
  5. Evelyn, It's only been a day cold turkey. It's going to be tough at times, but it will get better. You just have to hang on, some days like today you need to hold on tighter. Do you have anything you can do to take your mind off of it? Some exercise or a jigsaw puzzle perhaps? Stay strong and let us know how you are :)
  6. Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:49 PM I am amazed that I made it this far! Last night was rough, had a pretty hard time falling asleep without my bedtime cigarette. Then, when I did pass out, I was woken up by coughing and every time I laid back down there it was again. By the end of yesterday, I had enough of yesterday and just wanted to sleep. I must've fallen back asleep at some point, so I did sleep some. I woke up and my patch was gone, somehow it ended up in between 2 pillows. I'm feeling like I lost my best friend or something. I find myself wandering around my house, just restless, never sitting still. Not doing anything constructive, almost like I don't know what to do with myself. Tried to watch a movie last night, but just couldn't focus. Drinking lots of water with frozen fruit in it, chewing gum, cough drops and sugar-free popsicles. I keep thinking " oh, when I'm finished with such and such, I'll go have a cigarette". Must be my sub-conscious trying to trick me, because I have no cigarettes around. I've come close a few times in the past 24 or so hours to buying a pack, but so far have been able to hang on. The shaking has subsided which is awesome. I was afraid it would stick with me longer. Thanks for all the kind words of support yesterday, it really is helpful! Posted 05 June 2013 - 06:26 PM I think I'm starting to realize that instead of a friend, it's like a really bad relationship that I want to get over and forget about. Yeah, and people are much better than cigarettes! Today was sort of up and down. I was actually enjoying not smoking for short periods. When I'm out and about, I'm avoiding looking at people. I am so nervous I'm going to SEE someone smoking and then it will be all over. Obviously, that can't go on for long. I was at a local drugstore and when I got to the entrance all I could smell was cigarettes. I couldn't decide if I liked or hated the smell. I actually thought about it the entire time I was in the store and still couldn't figure it out. This quitting smoking is making me weird!
  7. He's adorable Jen. Have you thought about taking him to one of the grooming schools for a big discount?
  8. You get a relaxing weekend. I insert a mountain lion.
  9. Colleen

    The Last Game

    Pizza :wub: What was the last impulsive purchase you made?
  10. Posted 02 June 2013 - 11:39 PM Hello Everyone! I'm new here and I've picked my quit date to be tomorrow. I've decided to jump the bullet and quit tomorrow. I've actually a job interview tomorrow and am excited to interview not smelling like a smoker. The real kicker will be the long drive into Boston, but I've got bags and bags of Twizzlers to keep me busy. I removed my ashtray and cleaned the windows and dash. I am really nervous though. My patches are ready to go and I have been taking Zyban. Would it be better to put the patch on at night or straight away in the morning? A little bit about me - I'm nearly 38 and been smoking since mid-teens, much too long. I keep trying to cut back, but every time I do I end up smoking more. I suffer from chronic and acute sinusitis as well as exercise induced asthma. Recently I was diagnosed with the beginning stage of COPD. About six weeks ago, I had a Septoplasty, Turbinate reduction, Concha Bullosa resection and sinus surgery Ethmoid & Maxillary. I thought I would quit after the surgery, but I was in a lot of pain and the cigarettes helped me through it, or so I thought. I have been on antibiotics for most of the time since the surgery, due to a staph infection and yep another nasty sinus infection. They say that smokers are more susceptible to sinus infections. I hope quitting will help the sinus infections. Thanks for listening! Posted 03 June 2013 - 02:10 PM Thanks for the support. I am seriously doubting quitting today, tomorrow would have been better. Is shaking normal? Will it pass quickly? I feel this strange nervous energy as well. I'm afraid to take any decongestants like this. Instead of having my coffee in the basement, I took my coffee up to my bedroom instead. I was actually ok for the first hour or so and then when I was in the shower, the shaking started. Posted 03 June 2013 - 08:18 PM Well, I made it this far into the day. Longest I've gone without smoking, 18 hours now. Still shaky/jittery and a new symptom nausea. What is motivating me at this very moment is the fact that I don't want to relive this day ever!
  11. Colleen


    Yay for you Rachael! What flavor?
  12. Colleen


    Heed Nancy's warning, her and that tennis racket are a force to be reckoned with

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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