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TOOTH WHITENING PASTES - Any experience w/ these


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So now that I'm gaining a little confidence this quit is stronger than the ones in the paste, I'm starting to get interested in whitening my teeth.  My wife did that w/ great success but she used those "trays" that dentists prescribe, which are much stronger than toothpaste and get better results.  But I have no interest in having those or the tape in my mouth for extended periods every night.  Anyone have any experience or good results using tooth paste designated for whitening?

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Discuss with your dentist, If you can afford it he could do some whitening and then advise you what product would be good to maintain your results. You could sprinkle on a little baking soda on top of your tooth paste to see if that helps.  I have done that and it does seem to help.  I am doing a test of a new toothpaste right now that seems to work.  I have no idea what it is but seems to work really well.  When I send in the survey I will ask and see if they will tell me what to watch for.  It seems to be the best toothpaste I have used overall.


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I must say that the toothpaste that I have been testing has seemed to be helping.  Mind you I am a long time smoker and I drink a lot of hot tea in the winter.  I have never been a coffee drinker.  My sister had her teeth whitened at our dentist and worked well but she is not or never has been a smoker.  It cost her about 300 years ago and then they made the tray things that she uses at home

They can put some kind of overlay, I had that done along time ago and it was great. Had it only on a couple of teeth upper front and it was about 100.  The one thing I would not advise is veneers or anything that would require them to file your teeth down.  Talk to your dentist and see what they think you should try.  I will say that you can find some items on Amazon for teeth whitening but I would not use without talking over with your dentist. You might try the baking soda peroxide brushing that I have done in the past, seems to work but is not an overnight fix, but nothing is.

It depends on cost that you can afford and time you can tolerate to see results.  I am an old widow, not out there dating, those things can make a difference.  You want to feel your best and confident when you are dating or socializing.  I am not, so I can wait for other things to help, That being said if it bothers you do something if it helps your confidence.  I would!


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