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chewing gum/asthma


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Maybe try another type of gum?  I always chew gum when I do cardio, because it regulates my breathing.  Maybe it's an ingredient that triggers it?

Intriguing How does chewing gum regulate your breathing? My only issue with running is my breathing which is why I run with music blaring in my ears because I notice when I can hear myself breathe I focus on it too much then struggle more with it, If chewing gum helps that I might try it.

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Intriguing How does chewing gum regulate your breathing? My only issue with running is my breathing which is why I run with music blaring in my ears because I notice when I can hear myself breathe I focus on it too much then struggle more with it, If chewing gum helps that I might try it.

I'd give it a try for sure.  I cannot find where I read it, but it was shortly after I quit smoking and wanted to exercise with asthma and COPD.  Back then, my breathing was a lot worse.  Maybe chewing at a regular place, makes your breathing more even and helps you to breathe through your nose.  I've been chewing gum while exercising for over a year now and anytime I've forgotten it, my breathing hasn't been great.  

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I haven't seen any real study on it, but some people say that aspartame can trigger asthma attacks.  Aspartame is an artificial food sweetener, so that could be true.  It's used most gums...especially low calorie types.  Maybe you're getting a reaction from the aspartame?  There are aspartame-free gum...but they are harder to find (health food stores should have them).  But hey, for fresh breath, maybe it's worth a try? :)

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