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Everything posted by Ria

  1. Ria

    chicks or sticks

    Errrr... I said "minus 2"!!!! hehehehehe
  2. It's better to die after living the life we've CHOSEN rather than wasting precious time feeling restricted and financially stunted!!! I don't care when I die... I only wish I KNOW so I can 'plan'/make arrangements etc... but I now I can die in PEACE!!! no one to FIND all the smoking paraphernalia, and feeling cheated, lied to, disappointed and (in my sister's case only) more lost!!
  3. Ria

    Elton John

    PLUS.... ......"It's a little bit funny this feeling inside, I'm not one of those who can easily hide".............
  4. Ria

    Elton John

    ....." maybe you'll get a replacement, there's plenty like me to be found"...........
  5. Another indication of our uniqueness... I've never had those dreams, but know that many have and do! NI, they may never desist... ? I still have dreams (nightmares IMO) of stuff that should be "resolved" from childhood/early adolescence! The brain is a weird, albeit wonderful, but most IMPORTANT organ in the body!!! Never underestimate it!!!! xox
  6. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!!!
  7. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! nope nope nope nope!!!! Still no internet, and the WORST thing is, the tech said yesterday that it's the wire INSIDE and I'm responsible for it so have to organise someone to come and test/fix it!! So the "wire just broke"..????????!!! :unsure: :(
  8. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! nope nope nope nope!!!! Evelyn... would you "share the crown" until my internet is fixed, PLEASE!??? I'm piggy backing off my mob which is tethering, and it could get costly, as only have a 1.5Gb data allowance each month... the day before yesterday, it took over 240Mb just to post here, and my usual UK site... hope to be 'back to normal' soon.... xox thanks xox and missing y'all!!! xox
  9. Today I love... the sun shining!
  10. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!!! Can't be long today... am using my mob as a 'hot spot' so it's tethered, (until darned iprimus fix my internet connection) so will check the usage first and see.... Just HAD to pop in here and post this! :)
  11. Ria

    chicks or sticks

    yaaaaayyyyy!!!!! ZERO!!!
  12. Today I love.... that it's only 9 days till the 1st day of Spring! (officially!)
  13. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! nope nope nope nope!!!!
  14. There's NO NICOTINE in my 'puffer'!!!!! Not all vapers add nicotine!!!
  15. N.O.P.E!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I missed yesterday!! Woke late and was rushing.... xox Ha! don't want to lose my "crown"... hehehehe
  16. ??? I'm not quite sure what I should be posting..??? :( is this early dementia? I never used to be so "blonde"... anyway, not much time this morning, as going out early, so maybe tomorrow... xox
  17. Today I love.... that the excitement of being a non-smoker is a daily experience!
  18. I've 'quit' a LOT more than twice, Sarge!!! lol... Looking back, I had 'good reasons' for wrecking my 1st and longest (to date) quit, no EXCUSES, but 'reasons'.. that no longer exist! Since then, my failed attempts were a mixture of all the 'reasons' mentioned here... But THIS is the last! of that I am SURE!!! Did you only quit once?? if so, GOOD FOR YOU!!!! xox

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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