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Day 3 - Dreams and morning wood



Hello hello hello, it is currently sunday 7:13am time in Prague, Czechia. I am about to go through another 12 hours shift, today I forget my chewing gums home, but I did not take any money with me so I cannot buy any kind of vape or nicotine :) So I should be fine today and get through day 3 smoothly, hope so! Yesterday evening my mood was pretty down. Mornings seem to be better with quitting, more optimistic.


About this night, I did have a really deep sleep from 9pm to 3:33am and then wake up full of energy (you call it morning wood in english I think hahah - which should really tell positive things to a men´s health). I am surprised that after last night, this time was a deep rest and also some nice dreams. I noticed that I wake up easily, 3:33 I was full of energy and no red eyes, motivation to go out, see things, to live a life you know. Which kind of dissapears with addiction. I already knew that before but when I go through this recovery I can feel it again. The life´s beauty shines through the nicotine shield slowly but surely! I am happy to enjoy things such as good food, ray of sunshine, aromatic things, good music. These things go to the background with shaded mind that is ill with addiction. So Have a nice sunday all, I am clean now 2 days and 11.5 hours, not going to give up at least today no :) As I gave my promise and thank you for all the support, may the power be with you all.

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You are really doing amazing!  Keep up the great work!  It will definitely get easier, you just have to give it time. 🙂

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Finishing day 3 without nicotine slowly but surely, another 12 hour shift is getting shorter. Should be done here in 3 hours and nice dinner is waiting after another 22 hours fasting with water only.


today no chewing gums with me, but drinking 3L of water and so far so good...I am quite confident to finish 3 days clean, at this moment.

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You’re doing Great! I love your determination and positive attitude. They’ll carry you far.

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Congrats @Dejvis93! 3 Days is a fantastic start. I like that you're seeing the positives of quitting alread (better taste & smell). Think about all the $$ you're saving as well. That's a plus too.

Keep forging ahead my friend and don't let anything get in the way of your mission to quit!

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After day 3 ..all the nicotine has left your body …it’s just down to you and that Nico monster trying to lure you back in ..

Quitting affects every part of your body …lol…

Well done 😜

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