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My personal journey about quitting nicotine once for all.

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Day 10-16

Hey everyone,   The site was down, but I didn't quit. Although I must say, it was and still is quite difficult at times.   However, it has now been nearly 17 days since June 6, 2024, when I finally succeeded in quitting. I feel amazing. I mean, I sleep less, I am more confident, I do lots of things, and I believe the addiction is getting weaker day by day. It still requires some struggling and inner discussions from time to time. But convincing myself to go and buy a smoke af


Dejvis93 in General

Day 7 - One week done!

Hello, I finished my first clean week. This is an incredible achievement for me.   Energy Level Changes:   First 5 Days: I was full of energy. I could read all the news, go to the gym, run, work, sleep for only 4 hours, and talk all the time.   Day 6: I experienced huge cravings and spent the whole day thinking I might fail. However, I still went to the gym and replaced the craving with some burgers and a good night's sleep.   Day 7: My energy crashed. The


Dejvis93 in General

Day 4 - Running, Donating Plasma, and Forgetting the Count

Hello there, it is currently 12pm lunch time and very busy day. I was running in the morning, cold shower and donatet blood plasma as I do every 2 weeks. Also it is monday so my mailbox is crazy. However, I can happily say that it is now 3 days and 16 hours clean and going for 4 days with confidence   Also, evenings in general are very difficult, Huge headache yesterday before sleep. But mornings are now very positive and easy, sleep is better and I didnt even realize this mornin


Dejvis93 in General

Day 3 - Dreams and morning wood

Hello hello hello, it is currently sunday 7:13am time in Prague, Czechia. I am about to go through another 12 hours shift, today I forget my chewing gums home, but I did not take any money with me so I cannot buy any kind of vape or nicotine  So I should be fine today and get through day 3 smoothly, hope so! Yesterday evening my mood was pretty down. Mornings seem to be better with quitting, more optimistic.   About this night, I did have a really deep sleep from 9pm to 3:33am and then


Dejvis93 in General

Day 2 - It is not getting easier (obviously)

Well good morning to you all. I did manage my first real craving yesterday after gym and sauna. I did not want to sleep, I think I slept like 3-4 hours only and my mind is racing but..I feel more energy than if I slept 8-9 hours. So at this moment we have 8:30am in Czechia, I am in work today since 7am and clean from nicotine currently 1.5 day to be precise it is 36.5 hours.   Today I work 12 hours, have some things to do and also watching finals of WTA French open, something to look f

Day 1 - First challenge

Hello, today is my first whole clean day ahead. I am now 13 hours clean and finished my morning running with cold shower, getting into work and got my sugarfree gums ready to get through this day. Even getting through 1 day for me is something almost unachievable before, I almost never did the whole 24 hours. So if you see me here after that, I guess we are on a good way and I already gave my promise today...so I think I will make it.   Anyway, will keep it active and share my thoughts


Dejvis93 in General

Day 0

Alright, I have failed maybe thousand times with nicotine, it is torturing me for already 12 years, since I started in my 18. It is now time to use the forum and power of network to quit once for all. So today 8pm I put nicotine away and going to post my thoughts, struggles and progress on the way. Welcome  I hope this might one day help to someone, but first I need to help myself. Nicotine cost me not only health, tons of money and relationships, but also caused very bad situations along the wa


Dejvis93 in General

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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