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Day 1 - First challenge



Hello, today is my first whole clean day ahead. I am now 13 hours clean and finished my morning running with cold shower, getting into work and got my sugarfree gums ready to get through this day. Even getting through 1 day for me is something almost unachievable before, I almost never did the whole 24 hours. So if you see me here after that, I guess we are on a good way and I already gave my promise today...so I think I will make it.


Anyway, will keep it active and share my thoughts later. Stay strong

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I am on my 15 hours clan ride now. Well I am just finishing first pack of sugarfree orbit gums, I  am struggling to focus on my work, TGIF so I dont need to do much and will have a walk for some good lunch, enjoy the series and then take a nap, play some chess online..this is my plan to get through day.

Evening I want to go gym and sauna, to finish my 24 hours clean without nicotine with a good gym session would be amazing and I am ready to go!

Just to really say how significant is for me to get 24 hours clean without addiction ym addiction is extremely strong, I almost never done 1 day, failes hundreths of times..so do 24 hours will be a reason to selebrate and then, another day! but today, I focus on now and today :) 

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Also! today is French Open ATP semi finals, so have something to watch and enjoy :) I recommend to all, this will be amazing tennis.

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20 hours clean! Watching French open semi finals, finished 2 packs of chewing gums and getting ready for gym, I will celebrate my 24 hours of quit today in gym 8pm :) Cannot wait.

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Fabulous achievement @Dejvis93!


I love how you are focused on exercising and your morning runs. Exercise is a great way to take your mind off vaping. I also understand your difficulty in focusing at work. That;s what we call "brain fog" and it's very common amoung new quitters. It will not last for too long but yes, it make getting things done tough at times.


Another thing you said: "24 hours will be a reason to selebrate and then, another day! but today, I focus on now and today." That's exactly what you need to do, focus on one day at a time; sometimes even one hour at a time just to make it through a particularly tough craving. Looking too far down the road can be overwhelming so just take things a bit at a time like you're doing.


If you fond yourself at a loss for something to take your mind off things, there's a 'Games" page here on the site. Check it out sometime if you're looking for something to do.


Again; big congrats on Successfully Completing Day #1!! 

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1 minute ago, Reciprocity said:

Fabulous achievement @Dejvis93!


I love how you are focused on exercising and your morning runs. Exercise is a great way to take your mind off vaping. I also understand your difficulty in focusing at work. That;s what we call "brain fog" and it's very common amoung new quitters. It will not last for too long but yes, it make getting things done tough at times.


Another thing you said: "24 hours will be a reason to selebrate and then, another day! but today, I focus on now and today." That's exactly what you need to do, focus on one day at a time; sometimes even one hour at a time just to make it through a particularly tough craving. Looking too far down the road can be overwhelming so just take things a bit at a time like you're doing.


If you fond yourself at a loss for something to take your mind off things, there's a 'Games" page here on the site. Check it out sometime if you're looking for something to do.


Again; big congrats on Successfully Completing Day #1!! 

Thanks :) 4 hours left to 1 day

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Posted (edited)

Alright, I finished 1 day, now 25 hours clean. After gym and sauna it was quite difficult to not go to buy a vape but Im home, getting ready for sleep.


So tomorrow again. :)  

Edited by Dejvis93
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Congrats on day one! You should feel really proud of what you are achieving. It’s tough at first, but the longer you stick with your quit, the easier it gets. Day two of your new freedom awaits!

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