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Is there a web site where I can go and learn how to cut and paste -post photos etc.?


I'm a "hands on" learner, what I need is a place that say's "go to this page, find the pix of the bunny, do this, and this, and that, then come back here - do this and this, hit send...and TA-DA you've posted the bunny here"  so I can practice  doing it...


anyone know if there is such a site??  seems like there should be, with all  the late comers to the computer like me.



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I have no idea what you're asking, if you want to lift a picture off a page right click on it and choose copy. If the site doesn't let you (and you're on a windows Vista / 7 / 8 machine) use the snipping tool found in the Accessories folder in the start menu.


Now... Once you've got a picture... You can paste that into a document etc. If you want to 'paste' it onto a website you can't just do that. You'll need to save the picture onto your local machine before uploading to a site (such as photobucket) and providing a link to the URL.


To answer your question... No... But I don't think you're asking the right question.

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I saw the title of this thread and was going to boycott it as i am not tech smart in the slightest but as its you lace i will give it a go and tell you what i do, here goes this will be interesting and i will probably end up confusing you more as well as myself:


1. type what you want to find in say "google" - ie picture of happy bunnies

2. loads of links will come up and you click on the one you want to look at ie something like this https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pictures+of+happy+bunnies&rlz=1C1KMZB_enGB558GB559&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=GQlEU46pMaKv7Ab16oHAAQ&ved=0CEUQsAQ


3. find the picture you like

4. right click and choose "copy"

5 .go to thread where you want to put picture

6  right click

7. paste



have a practise at that and then come back if it doesnt work and i will explain next step :)

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Hi Rob, thanks for answering, but nope, don't help LOL... yer a guy, let me try to explain it this way.... lets say I want to rebuild a carburetor... I don't know what the names of the parts are, BUT if you show me how to take it apart peace by peace and how to put it back together, peace by peace  I can do it.. 


on the computer the saying use the  URL's - "cut" this "paste" that  - I'm to far behind the curve ball... I need to see what to do step by step for it to make sence to me.. and then practice doing it.. 

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1. Right click on photo


2. Left click on "Copy Image Address" at bottom.


3. Return to QT site.


4. Left click on reply box.


5. Below Smiley Face  :) ( at top of reply box ) There will be a tiny green Image box. Left click on green box.


6. Right click on URL box and paste. Hit OK button then hit Post button.

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Have you gone to you tube and typed something in the search bar such as "Learn to cut and paste"

I found one for you.....give this a whirl, but if its too advanced, keep trying. There are LOTS of folks who need this info presented in language that makes sense to them, or they are visual learners and need to see.....


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don't if it matters I'm on a lap top with no mouse...

No matter.


Look down at your 'mouse' (is it a square pad?) It will have 2 buttons/bars along the bottom of it.....the one on the right performs certain functions and the one on the left performs others, usially all the regular stuff. :)

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When my dad was learning to use his computer.....I went over and made shortcuts on to his desktop so he'd be able to find things easier.

I made a shortcut for his email.

He phoned me and asked how to get into his email as he'd forgotton.

I told him to look on his desktop for the big red letter Y

I waited....and waited.....

"Dad....its right there on your desktop. I made it and put it there just yesterday. Do you see it?"

Bless his heart......he says:

"Honey, I think your mom must have cleaned the desktop. All I see here is the box where I type (keyboard) the thing I hold (the mouse) and some pictures of you kids."

He was looking on the actual top of the desk.....aka....desktop.


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hey tracey,  nope, got to the pix, hit copy got back here hit paste, and nothing... :huh:[/quotplace, it may be your browser. When I was using Internet Explorer, I could not copy and paste either. When I switch to Google Chrome it was easy peasye]
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