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Benefits of Quitting


There are many, many reasons to quit smoking. Here are a few good reasons to quit:


Short and Long-Term Benefits




20 minutes after the last cigarette

Blood pressure drops to normal.

Pulse rate drops to normal.

Hand and foot temperature rises to normal.

8 hours after the last cigarette

Blood carbon monoxide levels drop to normal.

Blood oxygen level increases to normal.


1 day after the last cigarette:

Chances of heart attack and stroke start decreasing.

2 days after the last cigarette:

Sense of taste and smell begin to heighten.

Certain nerve endings begin to re-grow.

Nicotine by-products are removed from the body.


3 days after the last cigarette

Bronchial tubes start to relax, making breathing easier.

Lung capacity begins to improve.


2 to 12 weeks after the last cigarette

Walking and aerobic exercises become easier.


1 month after the last cigarette

Circulation improves.

You experience more energy.


1 to 3 months after the last cigarette

Lung function increases up to 30 percent.

Bronchial cilia begin to re-grow, there is an increased ability to clean lungs, chances of infection are reduced, and pollutants are cleared.

Overall body energy increases.


1 to 12 months after the last cigarette

Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease.p


2 to 4 after the last cigarette


The risk of developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease reduces by 5%.


1 year after the last cigarette

The risk of developing Coronary Heart Disease reduces by 50%.


2 years after the last cigarette

The risk is reduced for recurrence of ulcers.

The ability for short-term healing is improved.

The risk of death from heart disease declines 24%.


3 years after the last cigarette

The risk of heart attack and stroke approaches that of someone who has never smoked.


5 years after the last cigarette

The risk of developing mouth, esophageal, throat and bladder cancer reduces by 50%.


5 to 15 years after the last cigarette

The risk of stroke reduces to that of someone who has never smoked.


10 years after the last cigarette

Pre-cancerous cells are replaced by healthy, normal cells.

There is a 50% to 70% reduction in the risk of developing lung cancer.

The risk of pancreatic cancer is reduced.


10 to 14 years after the last cigarette

The risk of developing Heart Disease drops to that of someone who never smoked.


15 years after your last cigarette

The risk of developing lung cancer is the same as non-smokers.

For Congestive Heart Disease, the risk reduces to the same as someone who has never smoked.

Life expectancy is as long as that of a non-smoker!



Social Benefits


If you pay any kind of health insurance, your premiums will decrease.

You’ll feel in control, instead of feeling that cigarettes controlling them.

You’ll feel an enhanced sense of self-esteem.

Your family will no longer be subjected to second-hand smoke, and as a result they’ll be healthier, both now and in the future.

You’ll begin to gain a healthy appearance.

You won't have to leave any non-smoking gatherings just to have a smoke.

Smoking is very expensive – you’ll see your bank account grow or you can put your money towards something that you’ve always wanted.

Compared to smokers, people who quit are more likely to exercise regularly.



Specific Benefits to Women


If women didn't smoke during pregnancy, fetal and infant deaths would be reduced by approximately 10%.

Women who quit smoking before pregnancy or during the first 3 to 4 months of pregnancy have the same low risk of having a low birth weight baby as women who have never smoked.

For women who quit smoking in the later stages of pregnancy, infants have higher birth weight compared to women who continue to smoke.

2 years after the last cigarette, their risk of cervical cancer reduces.

Non-smokers reach menopause 1 - 2 years later than smokers.



Specific Benefits to Seniors


Smoking in later life has also been associated with higher rates of physical disability, poorer self-perceived health status, higher levels of depressive symptoms, lower levels of physical function, bone mineral density, pulmonary function, and muscle strength.


Seniors who quit smoking bring about improvement in general health and well-being.


Life Expectancy


If a smoker quits before age 35, their life expectancy is the same as non-smokers.

If a smoker quits between the age of 35 and 65, add 5 years to their life expectancy as compared to others who continues to smoke.

If a smoker quits between the age of 65 and 74, add 1 year to their life expectancy as compared to someone who continues to smoke.




- See more at: http://www.stopsmokingcenter.net/education/benefits.aspx#sthash.O57DlIXx.dpuf

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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