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Found 3 results

  1. What did your physical withdrawals feel like, how long did they last, and how did you get relief? My main physical withdrawal symptom was feeling like I had an electrical current running through my entire body. It's like my skin was electric. I was really tense, taut like a drum, as if one prick with a needle would pop me. I felt like I wanted to slap myself or something. Really and truly. This started around day 2 cold turkey, intensified days 3 through 6 with day 6 being the peak and the hardest. What helped? Carbs, mainly sweets, binge-watching TV, anything physical to take off the edge, and sleeping when I could. Carbs also helped with insomnia which was present on days 2-4. I thought I'd never sleep again, but it went away after 3 days. The feeling tautly wired and electrified was almost constant during days 2 through 6 and increased with intensity during those days. After that I started to record actual half-hours and hours between electric withdrawal waves...and the intervals between kept increasing after that. After around 10 days, I felt considerably better because the intensity and duration of my withdrawal waves started tapering off. I'm at day 44 now...no more shock waves TG and I'm sick to death of binge eating anything. Now it's totally a mental game. What were your physical withdrawals, how long did they last, and how did you cope?
  2. This is great news ! Melatonin treatment attenuates symptoms of acute nicotine withdrawal in humans. Published 18 years ago...but, I am only recently learning about the benefits of Melatonin. This link is to The National Center for Biotechnology Information and there are a slew of related articles on the right side of the page. For sure, worth further investigation.
  3. Sadly, that's not a euphemism for anything fun. -_- At the end of Day 3, and leading up into Day 6, I was itchy. Actually, literally, physically...itchy. It actually makes me itchy now, just thinking about it. :o My upper chest, neck, face, especially around the jaw, and head came down with a serious case of THE ITCHES. It came out of the blue, it was sudden, and it was really annoying. Like dealing with multiple mosquito bites. There were no bites, no bumps and not even a hint of a rash. The skin, unbroken, looked normal. I went through a mental checklist. Did I change my shampoo, soap, laundry detergent, lotion, anything? No. Did I eat a food I've never eaten before? No. It wasn't cat allergies - those make my eyes red and itchy and they make me sneeze, but they also make me really red and blotchy. And that wasn't happening. Also, my cat allergies only get that bad when I groom the little buggers. So it wasn't that. I do shower regularly. LOL So...what changed? The only thing that was different was that I quit smoking. And when the itching started, the nicotine was almost out of my system. Maybe my body was trying to expel some chemicals? I don't know. All I know is, I spent several days scratching. Ugh. Nothing helped. Not lotion, not Benadryl, not anything. But I got through it. And by the middle of Day 6, it stopped, just as suddenly as it had started. Haven't had an issue since. But now that experience serves as another great reason to NOPE. If I do, I will be right back to Hell Week, and THE ITCHES. No thanks. NOPE. That's not the kind of itch I want to scratch. Never again. :blink:

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