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Status Updates posted by Kris

  1. Kris

    Boo, Sorry my dogs went wild at the end of our talk.  Tombstone....favorite character Val Kilmer..Doc...I would just hate it yo""r weren't my friend anymore""...."I'll be your huckleberry".....Kate (I think that was her name) "your not wearing your bustle"  and least that is how I think it goes.  My husband was the one with video memory.


    I like the young guns movies as well but have not had even viewings to even try to give you any lines.


  2. Dear Jillar,

    First let me say I love your profile pic, I am a April born Aries, so Easter would fall close to my birthday.  My mom and sis would always give me a bunny related gift, even my own real life bunny. I would love to volunteer but I suffer from chronic migraines so it is hard to keep any kind of schedule.

    As far as the dog fostering I would take them all.  I have three, two rescues I adopted(they are small dogs) then my best friend passed April 2020.  His brothers did not want to take his dog so he came to his next forever home with me. He is a 80# pureblood chow. He is the sweetest thing but hard for me with the bad hip. He loves to jump and play.


    1. jillar


      Oh yea, I remember you telling us about your pups :) My mom was an Aries, born in March. And I'm a Pisces, and have had two bunnies in my life. Both found me and came out of nowhere. They picked a good house too because I love animals lol!

  3. Geez Steven, sounds like the last few days have been hell for you.  You need to try some distraction. I don't know you and so have no clue what might help.  Just have to go off my list.

    Big glass jar on coffee table full of soft and hard peppermint, butterscotch, werthe

    rs hard  caramel, dum dum lollipops, life savers, all your favorite gums.


    Second jar...all your favorite nuts, some in shell so you have to work for it, peanuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, harder to shell pecans, almonds, walnuts, my personal favorite, brazil nuts!

    Put a bowl next to this jar with nut crackers and use the bowl for shells.  If you are married or have a girlfriend DO not make a mess and leave it.


    Next off to the hobby shop, for me puzzles, color fine images with markers and pencils.  Looking into taking crochet lessons. These may not interest you but were men there looking at all kind of models to build and paint.  Also, home brewing your own beer,  looking into making your own jerky and dried fruits and veggies. Really big here in Dallas/Fort Worth.

    My favorite is dehydrated okra.


    And as everyone here has taught me water, water, more water.  I know it is a cheat thing but i do have some nicotine lozenges for emergencies for my protection and for an innocent bystander who might be in the wrong place and the wrong time if I felt an explosion coming on.


    Just find something you enjoy that you can do at home and then when you need to get out, bowling, roller skating, ice skating and my new fav, going to the arcade!


    Sorry to be long winded. Just be happy you don't have to hear my voice.


    1. Steven Drojensky

      Steven Drojensky

      It's all good. I have 5 and half years off alcohol, so that's not an option. I do have a lot of cinnamon gum and ginger candy on hand. I have nicotine gum on hand, but hardly ever use it because it irritates my acid reflux. I love to do word search books and I  have some coloring books and pencils but have to start using them. Today, I am going to play some guitar with a friend and hang out at his house for awhile. We have family and a baby visiting the house right now, so it'll be good to get out for awhile. My girlfriend Katherine passed away from lung cancer in August of 2019, but I still go to visit her son Sam. I usually drive up with his real dad on Tuesdays. He recently graduated high school and is doing better. Hang in there. The cravings will come and go. I have COPD and have lost and few teeth because of my 40 plus years of smoking. I recently got a bridge put in for my top teeth. Good times! 🙂

    2. Kris


      Steven I am so sorry to hear about Katherine and I do understand the pain and grief. I lost my husband to skin cancer 10 1/2 years ago and I am still not over it.  I should not be drinking either but i can't give up two things at the same time. I am so glad that you are continuing your relationship with Sam. He will draw strength from you and his bio Dad, that he still matters in your life even if his Mom is gone.  My situation is the same, my grandson is not of my blood but of my heart. He does not look like me or my son.  His Mom is Japanese/White,

      Bio dad is Latino.  My son and I just plain old white.  Asher has been our family since he was 6 months old. He and his Mom lived with us for 3 1/2 years while they saved for the wedding and for down payment on their own home.  He is already in my will to make sure funds are set aside for college.

      As far as health goes, I had to have a hip replacement about 3 months ago due to AVN (avascular necrosis you can google it) due to smoking and drinking (which I did alot of when my husband died).

      I have no musical talent other than turning on the stereo and dancing while I clean house.

      My son is a great trumpet player and his wife plays the flute. Just getting the grandson started on the keyboard. 

      You might try the nicotine lozenges, you just put them under your tongue and they melt slowly. the gum did not agree with me either.  I found the best price on these thru Amazon.

      I do not have COPD but my insurance carrier just added CT of the chest covered once a year.

      Had that done and it showed the beginning of emphysema.  So here I am.

      Sorry to type your ear off, we can do this and our word search books and coloring projects.

      Have a great evening.


  4. Hi Doreen, good to see I am not the only one awake but I am about tp drop.

    Just wanted to give you personal thanks for making me so welcome to the board and your help in how things work.  I think I may have traded one addiction for another;  This is the habit I want to keep


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kris


      Thanks I am about off to bed for the second time.  I am grateful  your are still up. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. I am going to the doctor on friday, I hope she can do something so I can sleep.


    3. Doreensfree


      Good night / Good Morning ...I'm in the UK ....so it's Breakfast time ❤

    4. Kris


      Really the UK, how cool! I have an infatuation with your country.

      I dream of living in a country village in a sweet little village where I would  be able to walk to the shops. I see your life there, based off the BBC.  Shows like Doc Martin, I would love to live in that place.


      Speaking of breakfast the bread I have been baking is called English Muffin Bread, it is kind of like Cottage bread great for toast.


      Now since we have connected on the site if you teach me all things British, I will teach you all things Texan.


      I am going to go have some toast now.


  5. Hi Maryland Quiter,

    I  am not good on the computer, do not use facebook, where are you in Maryland?

    My family comes from Bivalve.


  6. I see that you have come for a check in on the board.  Are you doing okay of do you need some help.  We are always here if you need us.

    1. Jengelsnew1


      Smoke free for ever  - still going strong 

  7. Is the site down or locked?


    1. jillar


      It was probably getting worked on @Kris

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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