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Why being part of a Forum helps




Quit Date: 1st November 2018


Posted February 9, 2015 


I was sitting thinking today, that over the last year I have had two relapses, and this is my 3rd attempt in a year to quit, now I am seriously beginning to realise that way back last year I would not have even attempted to quit if it had not been for finding, joining and taking part in this Forum, being able to see that I am not alone, that there are different ways to quit, that not everyone's quit is the same, that it doesnt matter if you relapse the support is here to help you re- quit, seeing so many quitters who have been committed to keeping the quit, helping others that are struggling, offering support and advice its amazing, being part of this forum has certainly prompted me to keep on and get to my sticky quit.  Outside of the forum we have our Doctors, leaflets, internet advice, not quite the 24/7 help and support we all need, and the beauty of it is, all it takes is the touch of a button and we can interact with someone, talk out our quit, socialise, laugh, share things and connect.  Pretty amazing isn't it.  I can honestly say that if I hadn't stumbled across my little family in the corner of the internet my relapse last year would still be my relapse now, it was the thought of everyone here, that pushed me that little bit harder to come back and to try again.  So glad I did.  Quitting smoking is one of the most amazing things that you can do, one of the others is joining this forum.  Quitting is no longer a scary and lonely trip but more of an adventure with people who care and support, leading you to live a better, healthier stronger and more fulfilling life.  


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/4421-why-being-part-of-a-forum-helps/


Edited by jillar

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