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Watching people chain smoke


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I watched maybe 6 friends at the pool today smoke.

Chain smoke. It smelled really bad. I wanted to tell them OMG seriously..you just smoked a minute ago.I

'Ill never be like that. All holier than thou...but I did wanna smack them


I missed it for a second.


Then I had more tequila. You know what they say about tequila and girls? ITS TRUE.

I am not sure where my panties are, but at least I have some on.

They aren't mine.

We don't have to go there.




I watched some vape.

I dont get that for the life of me. They said it tasted like fruity pebbles.

I'd rather eat that shit with whole milk. It looked like they were taking bong hits

I don't find that to be any more attractive.Unless you're really taking bong hits.


I'll be over there to your left, next to the fence. Thats how I rolled. 






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Yeah, my friend slept overnight on Sunday, as she had a podiatrist appt on Mon at midday.... and boy!! the minute she walked in and passed me she stunk to high heaven!!! She always has, even when I DID smoke, but it's SO much worse now!!


I almost felt like heaving... the last thing I want to be is 'reformed' friend y'know? so I didn't say anything... but she smoked one after the other, LITERALLY! I couldn't help myself and said "why use the lighter? just use the butt" and she said.....wait for THIS,....


"I like lighting them"!.....!!!!!??????  I have a sneaky feeling she felt uncomfortable as she didn't ask to come back after her appt.....

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