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Desperate Addict's Parade


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Here is a great thread from WhyQuit in which nicotine addicts tell of the crazy things they did to indulge their addiction.

Desperate Addict's Parade


We have some of our own stories on this thread

Spoiled Brats/Nicotine Addicts


We all have our similar yet unique stories, lets hear them !


My most memorable was after 9 months of abstinence from smoking, 

home birth, healthy baby...I was alive...to my midwives I said, ' Great...now I need a smoke' and one of them gave me a camel straight.


I would collect my old snipes and roll them into a smoke, move refrigerators to find dog ends.

Nothing was keeping me from nicotine and I was completely shameless about it.  I didn't care.


Now, I don't understand how I kept the denial of my addiction intact for all those years...

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I shudder now to think of the times I dug through the trash and/or dirty ashtrays to find smokeable butts. I would also steal cigarettes from my in-laws, who live upstairs, and sneak out behind the garage to smoke them. (This was, of course, when I was trying to hide my habit.)


I once tossed a mostly-full pack of smokes out of my car window when I decided to quit. (I know, littering is bad.) But in a moment of weakness, I drove back to that site and pulled over, searching the embankments on both sides of the road for my pack! (Why I didn't just go straight out and buy a new pack I'll never know.)


I did stupid things to feed my habit.

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Some of the crazy addict stuff I did....


1. Stole cigs from my parents when I ran out of my own - mind you, they both smoked Pall Mall Red (no filter). Oooh...can't say how many times I ripped the skin off my lower lip after taking a drag!!! Those cigs were harsh!


2. I only used to smoke a cig half-way and then stub it out....so  when I didn't have any...the hunt was on for those 1/2 smoked stubbies...ugh!


3. Going out in the middle of the night in a blinding snowstorm to nearest 7-11 to buy a pack!


4.  Smoking 3 or 4 in a row when at airports between flights...when the security rules changed and you had to go outside the airport to smoke...almost missing connecting flights because of this damned addiction! Planning flights to airports that still had smoking lounges ...even thought it took me way out of my way!!


5. I am a scuba diver and after every dive spent the dive interval time sitting on the boat or a beach and lighting up!!! Crazy, I know!


6. I flew from NYC to Copenhagen once and it felt like torture .....would I have to give up dreams of going to Australia, New Zealand, Alaska and Hawaii?? At the time, I thought so...


So happy that I am smoke-free now....

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