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Posts posted by SneakyTurtle

  1. I was out with a couple of friends for lunch and drinks and my girlfriend pointed out how nice it was that I could just sit there and enjoy the conversation instead of excusing myself every chance I got to have a smoke. It was exhausting! It really did feel so nice to just relax and not get that urge and have to go outside by myself.

    • Like 5
  2. That was clearly a short lived quit. I can't even remember my name on the previous message board. I was part of smokebusters group in 2017 though. haha. So I did not spend a lot of time on this board after that one closed up. (thinking probably something with Leanne in it)


    I tried to google a couple of different names I might have used previously. I just don't know. It's weird because I don't remember making this one. Quit brain I guess. I mean, it was also over 2 years ago. I haven't had a serious attempt since then, which is why this is so important. 

  3. I'm not saying that people here are not helpful. I will absolutely post when I need help, as I am sure I will. I've been around here and other sites long enough to know a lot of people here. I think of Jillar every time I or someone else mentions an air cigarette. We chatted many, many times. That was one of my best and most fun quits. haha. 


    I am not saying that everyone here is not trying to help. I do however think that some things should be avoided, especially in someone's early quit. Like I said, I was being flippant at first, but did not expect the reaction I received after that. I was also arguing a bit with my girlfriend at the time and thought about the combination and maybe I should just smoke so I don't flip out on people. Doh! But really, I've been so good, I am not going down that easily. 

    • Like 1
  4. I was being a bit flippant in my first response, but Jillar's response to that showed that it's just insensitive. Clearly not what I needed to hear or wanted to hear. Bringing someone else's journey up is one thing, but to actually respond to someone else in that way is ridiculous.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. Still going! I am on Day 10 now. I am still amazed by how great I feel. 


    I did tell my girlfriend yesterday that I was tired of not smoking. She asked if I was really going to buy smokes. I said No, because I might be tired of it, but I was definitely more tired of smoking. I don't want to have to quit ever again. I know I feel great right now, but I've had many quit attempts that I did not and I struggled until I felt I HAD to go back (junkie thinking got me.) I'm certainly not going to throw this one away. Then it was years before I would even try to quit again.


    I have sleep apnea pretty bad. I went to the DR and should be using a Cpap but I just couldn't get used to it. I knew if I lost weight and quit smoking, I would probably not need it. That was years ago and I did neither. I had zero energy to exercise and any time I tried to quit smoking, I just slept (and ate) even more than before. This time I have an abundance of energy. I am more active, I get up in the morning without snoozing 5 times and being late, I stay awake through movies in the evening, and I want to keep that going. 


    So after thinking about what I said, no I am not tired anymore! I am the opposite of tired and I like it. 

    • Like 3
  6. I quit last Tuesday at 5:40pm. I can't believe it's been almost a week already. I feel so much better than any other quit really. This just feels right. I've had very, very little cases of junkie thinking, which I feel is usually my downfall. I'm usually constantly talking myself in and out of starting back up, it's exhausting. Sometimes I go hours without even thinking about smoking and that didn't happen this early in any quit attempt. I've been able to better enjoy the positives. Like the increase in smell and taste. The smell can be a negative at times, but for the most part, it's fantastic. I smell my soap and shampoo ALL day instead of stale smoke. I've gotten rid of any face mask from smoking days, because well, now I can smell how bad they got.


    Of course my friends are skeptical and not really that supportive because I have tried to quit so many times in the past. That's okay, I still have plenty of support. Haters gonna hate! I feel like non-smokers just don't understand and smokers can be jealous. My girlfriend has not really been around for serious quit attempts and is very supportive. 


    I said at 2 weeks I would get my car detailed, but I am hoping to actually do it this weekend, a few days before 2 weeks. I just want it clean and smelling nice. I've certainly saved enough money to have it done. 


    Good luck to all others. Happy to be back. 

    • Like 6
  7. I was going through this exact thing last night. I had an hour long drive and a playoff game. I was so nervous as it was my first one. I thought there was no way I would get through it without smoking. I even texted a friend and told her I was done. I could not wait to smoke that first one and feel that buzz from it after having not smoked for a few days. It's so irrational and I even said to my friend, I know that in the long run my nerves will be better not smoking and I won't be playing a match and waiting for my chance to smoke, I can more easily concentrate on what I am doing. 


    Well, I didn't stop and I made it through without having a smoke and I even won!!! I even had a couple of beers. I was supposed to meet up with some friends after but I decided to just go home because they were at a smoking bar. I had enough for one night...

    • Like 5
  8. Wow! The time actually came and went, I was looking forward to finishing up those 3 days and then it just passed me right by. WooT!


    I'm not eating as much as the last 2 days and I can actually concentrate some. 


    Also, I got in my car this morning and I actually smelled the air conditioner! 



    • Like 11
    • Thanks 1
  9. I know I've read about people getting insomnia, some people sleeping more, it is crazy how different people can react. I am on the sleeping side. I am absolutely exhausted when I quit. Every time. I usually end up calling in to work on Day 3 because I literally feel like I Cannot move. I can sleep all day and all night. 


    Now, I know that I have low Vitamin D which means that I am sleepy anyway. I've been taking my vitamins and hoping it helps me to combat the sleepiness. I am sipping on my cranberry juice and trying to snack here and there to keep my blood sugar up. My eyes still feel so heavy! I slept 9.5 hrs the last 2 nights and I was still late to work because I just could not get moving.


    I cannot believe it's only been 1 day and 19.5 hours, but who's counting anyway, right? Time distortion is the worst! All I can think about is not smoking. I don't even want to smoke, but I keep reading and reading and reading other's experiences. I need to work! 



    • Like 2
  10. I am a big supporter of facing triggers head on as soon as possible to get it over with. Otherwise, I feel the fear and anticipation builds up and makes it worse in your mind than it ever is. 


    My biggest obstacle at the moment is sleep. That is all I want to do. I am pretty sure I am going to my car to sleep on my lunch break. I slept 9.5 hours last night and even though that is a LOT more than normal, my body doesn't think it's enough. Sipping cranberry juice and trying to snack to keep my blood/sugar up isn't even helping. 



    • Like 5
  11. I went to the bar last night, a mere 6 hours into my quit. I already decided not to drink because obviously I would normally be chain smoking at the bar and the first couple times after I quit I just want to go without the alcohol included. 


    It was a major success. I didn't even consider bumming from any of the many smokers there. It was also a 40 minute drive from my house. Man, I thought that drive was boring before! Well, I just turned up the radio and sang away. I was home before I knew it. 

    • Like 6
  12. Well, it's official. A whopping 15 minutes into my quit and everyone has survived so far, the world has continued to go on. Amazing...haha! 


    I didn't have time to get my goodies today, but I have my list and can go after work. It's tomorrow I need them for anyway. I remembered on my way that I sipped on cranberry juice and drank a lot of water during my most successful/easiest quit so I am going to grab that also. 

    • Like 9

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