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To NOPE or not to NOPE




Quit Date: 10th oct 2015


Posted February 4, 2019 


I’m cbdave and more often that not I get to raise the NOPE pledge of a morning. Being close to the international date line and living on the east coast of Australia means that I get to see the new day a lot earlier than most.

If I’m off fishing it can be really early as I hate my phone smelling of fish bait.

It wasn’t always that way. I never posted a NOPE on the QSMB board in those first months. I thought it was a tad daggy. Couldn’t see the sense in it, if I smoked it was my fault it wasn’t needed to keep me honest.

Had a bit of a rethink about the three month mark as I had two quit killers coming up.

First a wedding with old friends who smoked and drinks... normally a recipes for smoking if every there was.

On my return a biopsy for cancer. Sobering.

So I started to post to keep myself in touch with the board and more importantly as an acknowledgement that Yes I was really an Addict. It really hit home that I needed to fess I that I was only a puff away from going back to that standard 20 cigs a day!

 So that’s me, now a diferent board ....but still taking the time to acknowledge the addict in me.... if only once a day. 

So pledge or don’t pledge but never forget what it stands for 

Not One Puff Ever



Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/11876-to-nope-or-not-to-nope/


Edited by jillar

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