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Please, Take your LIVES Seriously




Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.


Posted June 4, 2016 


Please, Take Your LIVES Seriously
In 'real' life and here on the QTrain, I see people being careless
about their lives and their quit,
like they have all the time in the world !

'I'll quit next week, maybe tomorrow, I'll quit again sometime'.

Are they not understanding how dangerous smoking is ?
It's a friggin' Slow Suicide !
The ramifications are Horrible.
This is no joke.
Ask our beautiful friend, Doreen !


I, too, used to be casual about quitting, casual about smoking.
so, it is no surprise to see others in Denial.
I wasn't listening to any kind of Sense, or Logic, or TRUTH, either.

Then, suddenly, I 'got it'
and thanks to the information here,
I educated myself about Nicotine Addiction.


After that, there was simply no other choice
except to Quit and be Quick about it !
I would no longer live as a Slave, or die as one either !


I wish I could give that Eureka moment to everybody struggling with addiction
but, I don't know what happened or why.
At a certain point, I listened and Understood
and I give this to you,
Understand your addiction, and Be Free of it.
Your Lives are Precious.


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7092-please-take-your-lives-seriously/


Edited by jillar

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