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Fearing the Crave




Quit Date: 05/24/2012


Posted November 9, 2014 


Cravings are the most feared in a quit and we all know they can be uncomfortable. It's this fear that keeps many of us from even attempting to quit smoking. The fear of being uncomfortable.  We feel this way even though we know that smoking related disease is probably not terribly comfortable either.....addiction is so not rational....


The addiction wants to manipulate you into believing that there is no way you could ever survive quitting.  No way you could ever get through a minute, hour or day feeling like you want to smoke and not give in.  


Seriously.....Pffft.  We're tougher than that.  It's all just hype designed to keep you smoking.  A crave is not a command to smoke.  Just because you feel it, does not mean you need to act on it.  Acknowledge it and move on.  As time goes on, those craves will fade away and in it's place will be a person who stood up and took control of their life.  There is no greater feeling than that.  No greater feeling.


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/3385-fearing-the-crave/


Edited by jillar

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