Wise words.....'Embrace The Suck'
Posted November 7, 2015
I dunno if Sarge still posts here but some of his no nonsense, shoot from the hip, tell it like it is words helped me immensely in my first days...weeks...months.
The best:
Embrace The Suck.
You'll have moments, many moments, where quitting just plain sucks.
If you're anything like me, you'll think of throwing the towel in....because...."the way I feel sucks!"
Embrace the suck.
Accept it.
Head down and power through it!
Wherever you are Sarge.....thank you.
I've earned them stripes!
I'm coming up on 2 years.......and I never ever have to 'embrace the suck' in regards to nicotine anymore.
But Embrace The Suck has been instrumental in many areas of my life
Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/6233-wise-wordsembrace-the-suck/
Edited by jillar
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