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Are you scared to quit smoking?





Quit Date: 6/2/13


Posted June 13, 2015 


I was scared too.  Thought I had this super addictive personality and all those who had successfully quit before me weren't really addicted to smoking.  Shortly after you quit, you are going to figure it out, but I'll let you in on the secret now...it's a bunch of baloney.  Nobody is more addicted to smoking than anyone else.  It's the monster otherwise known as nicotine playing tricks on you, kick his ass to the curb because once you let go of that illusion everything seems to fall into place.  


Remember sticking your toe in the pool and thinking it's much too cold to swim in?  Do you also remember once you jumped in (or were pushed in) you realized it wasn't that bad at all?  That is exactly what quitting smoking is like.  It's 10 times more easier than you thought it was.  Okay, so it's not always rainbows and unicorns, but it's nowhere as bad as you think it is.  Trust me, this is coming from someone that couldn't go 3 hours without a cigarette.  Or trust my ticker, it doesn't lie  ;)


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/5481-are-you-scared-to-quit-smoking/


Edited by jillar

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