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Acknowledging the addiction




Quit Date: 19 June 2020


Posted March 14, 2020 


Before I even entertained the thought of quitting, I always looked at drug users or addicts with pity, thinking how lucky I am not to have fallen into that trap.

Ironic huh? Now I have empathy.


I'm not a person who bares her soul, wears her heart  on on her sleeve, nor starting a thread about something she doesn't  know much about....lol

I know I'm not the type of person to join a group therapy session on addiction introducing myself and telling my story. Never! Out of the question! Why?

Because my fear of quiting was to acknowledge  my addiction, and in acknowledging  my addiction, made me no different to any addict.


10 days into my 1st quit, I read Allen Carr, surfed the net, and found Quittrain...I knew this quit wouldn't last, and that I just needed to find an excuse to have that smoke.

40 odd days into my quit, I found one, feeble as it was, it was the excuse I was looking for. Still lurking on Qtrain, I started to take things more seriously...

4 days and 2 pkts later, I found myself stepping into that group therapy room...Qtrain..a very brave move from this introvert, but a wise one.


It will take me a while to accept the thought that I'm always one puff away from renewing my addiction, to start baring my soul a little, opening up, feeling proud

of the quit I am now building, to start enjoying the things I most enjoy without the necessity of have a smoke as well. 


One thread stood out for me..Introsucktion..MLMR which I highly recommend to all newbies like me..read twice and still find something useful.

I know for a fact that I will have a wobbly and will be sorely  tempted, and sincerely hope that I have the courage to ask for help.


I have made the first step of opening up...now to embrace this frucking quit and start living 

Thanks for listening......you are all very appreciated, I hope you know that


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/13659-acknowledging-the-addiction/


Edited by jillar

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