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Game Over...




Quit Date: May 29, 2016


Posted January 18, 2021 


Imagine if we were characters in a video game and cigarettes are our opponents. The object of the game is to be the sole survivor, the winner of the grand prize- A LIFE TIME FREE FROM DAMAGE!

Like a lot of video games you get three lives, in our game they're called relapses. Each relapse causes your character to become weaker and weaker from the effects of smoking and your opponent seems to be winning. So you fight a little harder but still not hard enough and you use another of your relapses.

Now you're down to your last life, you've used all your relapses and should you fail this time its game over.

That's how all of us should think about smoking. None of us know who among us will get a smoking related illness and some of us already have one or more. And some of us paid the ultimate price with our lives....


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/15037-game-over/


Edited by jillar

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