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HELP PLEASE. I ve been trying to quit for a week i cant get past day 1


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I'm glad you saw my post Juan, as I said please just invest the 7 minutes, it could be the 'ahhhhh, that's it, that's how I feel!'


First minute is about cycling so just bare with it :)


I hope you feedback your thoughts after watching it, if not no matter, but I hope you do.

yes it was very interesting, so sharon how we manage the chimp ? without smoking?

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yes it was very interesting, so sharon how we manage the chimp ? without smoking?

The best thing you can do it to purchase the book Juan, seriously I can't recommend it enough. http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/


It all boils down to what 'your chimp' is saying, what it searches for in your thinking brain 'computer'. I have no idea what gremlins you have in your brain Juan, what thoughts your chimp looks for and finds when you get this feeling of 'fear' you get at the thought of life without cigarettes so that's why it would benefit you to read the book. It will help you to work through, sort through the bad/destructive info in your mind that is allowing your fear (chimp) to hijack your rational and truthful human thinking. It teaches you to replace gremlins with autopilots, it teaches you mental steps to deal with instant and chronic stress.


You have nothing to lose by reading it Juan and everything to gain ;)


If you make a purchase Juan there is a thread going on the book forum, I would gladly chat about each chapter with you in fact would like that very much :)


sorry the other link was faulty, try this one http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/

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The next time you pick up a cigarette to "RELAX" think about these things while you are smoking:


1) Smoking causes a kind of tightness in your chest, an uneasy feeling about your breathing, and it can actually heighten your anxiety rather RELAX you.


2) Do you really enjoy the taste? As much as your favorite food? More than your favorite food?


3) Would you put the cigarette out if someone put your favorite food in front of you?


4) From about half way through your cigarette until it is done, do you realize that you've gotten your fix, you no longer crave and it is possible that smoking that last half is more of an effort than it is worth?


5) Ask yourself why you are punishing your body, what did it do to you to deserve such abuse?


6) And finally, as you finish your cigarette, get out a piece of paper and write down everything about your experience, your justifications, your feelings while you were smoking and lastly how you felt just after you put it out.


Then if you smoke again, repeat the above, and if you smoke again, again, repeat the above until you have a hand full of pages with your notes about each experience. Read every one of them and let us know what your honest conclusion is.


Hope this helps.

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Hey Juan - late here but just wanted to say - I know you can do this now you have to believe you can do it !


Make a commitment to stay close to the board and check in regularly - that way we can provide you with maximum support !

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Juan you have to do it cos soo many are waiting to take your place and grab them stripes so I wreckon you best stick at it and get them and hold onto them or else nancy will start pulling your hair trying to get them off you and she is a tough cookie so she will succeed, get them stripes and run juan run!!!!!!

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