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Newbie Just Quit today

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Sorry to hear you "wobbled" but in reality Jules, this was a relapse :( I'm very glad to hear you want to get back on track as a NON-SMOKER. Your life may depend on that one day.


We are here as always to support you but you will have to do the hard work yourself. Understanding this addiction plus your own determination to beat it are both keys to being successful in your quit. You say you only had 10 cigarettes and you used to smoke 3 packs a day. Trust me when I say that if you do not get immediately back to no smoking, you will be at that 3 pack a day point before you know it. It's just a fact and you can read about that in many threads where people speak of their relapses back to smoking.


Think again about the reason or reasons that brought you to the point of quitting before and if they are still true, rededicate yourself to quitting Also, do you know what the triggers were that made you smoke those 10 cigarettes? You will need to figure that out so it doesn't happen again this time around.


This is a really hard thing you're doing here, as it is for all of us. You really need to make you quit the number 1 priority in your life, particularly for the initial few weeks and even months. If you don't, the addiction will seduce you back to feeding it's nasty needs.


Please stay close to the board here too for support while you begin your new quit. Support is also key to a successful quit :)


Sorry Jules if I sound a little harsh. I am not trying to be mean but this is serious stuff we are all dealing with here and we want you to be successful at quitting too.

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I appreciate the support. I have to say the first cigarette after a few days tasted disgusting but after that each one tasted a little nicer. I know they don't and that's my mind playing tricks on me. I actually think this little relapse will help me massively in the the long run. Now I will go back to normality tomorrow and will have no distractions in my aim to finally kick this filthy addiction

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