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Not really an SOS but not sure where else to post

I can do this

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The craves are STRONG today, out of no where I woke up craving one, first thought this morning was "it's time to get up and have a smoke". Haven't had that thought in months. Haven't had craves this strong in at least 6 weeks.


It's a gorgeous day, we are drinking beer and doing yard work which always equaled lots of smoke breaks. Don't know if that's it or what, that doesn't explain waking up CRAVING one.


I'll stay strong bc I have no plans on going back but I tell ya, if I was in a situation where smokes were readily available I could see my addiction winning today. I won't be in a situation like that today, but this is scaring me bc I thought I was doing so much better. I thought I was really finally over it.

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You ARE doing better.


You are way beyond where you started. I'm glad you recognize the pull this addictin has on us. That only reinforces what we say about staying vigilant. The "junkie thinking" will,creep in and try to take hold at any given time. This shows how strong you are now, and you will only be stronger the next time. This is a fact that all addicts have to deal with....the addiction is ALWAYS there....


You did great by getting through the day, and I can only make a guess and say tomorrow will be a more "normal" crave free day...if it's not, well...get through that day and go on to the next. :)


You did well by posting here..it may not have been a true S.O.S. , but on the other hand....sometimes we don't see those moments coming...when in doubt, reach out....that's why this is a "support group" ;)

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Please protect your quit with Everything you have.

Tools of Diversion, Breathing, Dancing and Hollering.

Our quits will always (Always) require protection

because we are addicts and addiction doesn't go away.

Not One Puff Ever (especially today ! )

But, take heart, craves get weaker and weaker and weaker
while you get stronger and Stronger and Stronger.
Hang tough, Bebe, and rejoice in Your Freedom,
You are Free !

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Yes, it sucks.

 I remember being SO disappointed

the 's h i t ' didn't just GO AWAY

once my decision to quit was made

but, that there is the nature of addiction, sticky and gruesome.

I mean, it changed our brain !

Hang tough and don't be discouraged

because after a while those thoughts fade fade fade into near oblivion

while you're groovin' in Your Freedom.

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Haven't smoked. And won't. But I want to. Isn't that terrible after all this time?

No, it is not terrible...it is just normal.  Quitting is a roller coaster for several months.  It just keeps getting better, but there are still moments of craving.  You not only can do this, and you are doing it!  Good for you!

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Sneaky craves.  During the first year or so, at times the craves may be stronger than at other times.  For example, maybe these are change of season craves.  You may be doing things as a nonsmoker for the first time now that it is warmer, such as going to the beach or whatever. The longer you don't smoke, the more normal it becomes in your daily habits and the craves go away permanently. 

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You did the right thing...coming here and getting it out...

Dam that nico monster !!!....he's still trying pull you in...

Just reminding you...last time you did this...last time you did that...you were a smoker..

The wonderful good news is...your a fabulous non smoker now..

Tell him...your stronger than him...and to naff off...

You keep hold of that fabulous quit...x

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I can do this....


this is not craves, this is your brain associating with the past in what you used to do, seasonal changes are major triggers and in my experience summer is the worse as we socialize and are outdoors more


fight this, get through this and that association will no longer be there..... you can do this!!! 

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Still here. Haven't caved although this week has been bad for some reason. Started trying to rationalize having "just 1". Didn't do it! I think it is all related to the change in weather. I liked sitting outside having a smoke.


This too shall pass. . . Thanks for the support.

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I think it is all related to the change in weather. I liked sitting outside having a smoke.

This too shall pass. . . Thanks for the support.

That's a classic case of romancing the cigarette...


You didn't "enjoy" it... What you did was quiet the addiction down. ...your addiction demanded nicotine and when you would sit outside and give in to it, the withdraws were no longer present, making you THINK that you were enjoying the act of smoking.


That may not make a lot of sense, but don't ever think smoking is something that made you happy...

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That's a classic case of romancing the cigarette...

You didn't "enjoy" it... What you did was quiet the addiction down. ...your addiction demanded nicotine and when you would sit outside and give in to it, the withdraws were no longer present, making you THINK that you were enjoying the act of smoking.

That may not make a lot of sense, but don't ever think smoking is something that made you happy...

I know I'm romancing it. I keep trying to recall all the bad stuff too. Like making my kids, who were happily playing outside in the fresh air, go inside for a "break" so mommy could hide outside and have a smoke (I totally hid it from my kids and I think-HOPE-they were too young to figure out what was going on.) WTF was wrong with me?! THAT kind of stuff really helps put the addiction in perspective and keeps me saying NOPE for today.

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