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Colonoscopy tomorrow.


Goodness. First a bottle of magnesium citrate this morning.


This evening, 4 litres (American gallon) of Golytely to be drank over 3 hours. (that's a huge misnomer). Geeze, what a production.


And ... the doc's instructions say, I should drink plenty more fluids today, to cleanse the bowel.


What am I supposed to do tonight ... sleep on the toilet?


At least I get free/legal drugs tomorrow.


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Good for you for getting a colonoscopy, Mike! Everybody over the age of 50 should get one. Yeah, drinking all that stuff the day before is annoying but the colonoscopy procedure itself is nothing (as you say, the drugs are g-o-o-o-o-d, Dude!  :) ) My first colonoscopy they found a 2.5 cm (which is HUGE) polyp that was just transitioning to being malignant. They got it in time. I had no symptoms so if I hadn't had the colonoscopy I'd probably be dead of colon cancer by now. Folks, if you're over 50, DO IT!!

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Just had one 2weeks ago, Mike...the worst part is the drinking all that liquid the night/day before...and yes..pretty much all night in the "library" ..lol. Went to bed about 2am and back up the next morning at 7:00am for my appointment at 10:00am... Gave me a shot, and that was the last thing I remember until I "completely" woke up 3 hours later. Like Chrysalis they found a big polyp (1 1/2cm).. Benign, but came out in pieces, so I have a return trip scheduled in 1 year....I am 53 years old and had no intention of getting that exam...however, my father in law passed away last month (2/7) from a baseball size tumor(cancer) in his colon...he never had an exam... Before he died, he had me promise to get one.... So, you can say he may have saved me... It may have turned cancerous (it was of the right kind to) and who know how long it would have been...if ever...before I got an exam....


So...after the rambling, I encourage anyone who is at risk..either age or genetics..to get the exam...after the "prep" .. It's a piece of cake .. ;) and it just may save you and your family from avoidable heart ache.

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Sue and Sarah, I know that you mean to be supportive and/or humorous. It's one thing to josh with somebody about having to drink a gallon of enemetic the day before the colonoscopy-- that is the reality. But there are absolutely NO problems or after-effects of the procedure itself. You do NOT kneel face-down on an examining table, your rectum is NOT raw and red, you do NOT need any rectal or other pain killers. Frankly, because of the anesthetics they use today, you don't even REMEMBER that you had a colonoscopy! 


Colon cancer is deadly serious and I feel that we are truly blessed that we now have the ability to have a simple, painless, non-invasive test that can detect and remove colon cancers before they cause damage. It's a shame that most people still resist having a colonoscopy because of fear or embarrassment. Just look at the results-- even within this tiny group here, two of us can attest that our lives were saved by this procedure. 


So I, for one, will not tolerate anyone spreading fear-provoking misinformation about colonoscopies, no matter how funny you think it is. Do yourselves a favor-- go get a colonoscopy.

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What the hell are you crapping on about now,

Jesus you are one of the most negative people I have ever known Crysalis.

For the record I have to have Colonscopies every year, I had one 3 weeks ago and my arse was red raw from going to the loo soo much, it hurt for days after to sit and I was wide awake during the procedure so I felt every move the camera made inside me,

My Aunty has bowel cancer, my grandad died from it and myself and my dad had polyps removed this year, so down off your high horse,

I was stating exactly what I experienced.

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a sense of humor is why i'm alive today....I am not joking about that one


There is humor in just about everything Chrysalis....and just by joking about things that are serious can actually help serve a person who is nervous about having a procedure


I have a history of grand mal seizures.....at least 2 times a month in my 30's I had unexplained seizures that landed me in the hospital on many occasions.  I cried a lot...I was in danger of losing my license or kill someone accidentally while I seized..I was worried about my health, my family finding me dead...I was frustrated and angry.  But still....I was able to make jokes about myself flopping like a fish on the floor and how I peed my pants.  Joking about it...always...ALWAYS made me feel better and see the humor in how we making such big deals of ourselves by being too serious all the friggin time


Life is a gift...and we were given a sense of humor for a reason...and I don't believe it was for shitz and giggles  (no pun intended Mike....or...yes...that was a pun)

I believe it was given to us for survival


that's my story...and I'm sticking to it

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