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my first SOS


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Welcome to the Quit Train, Tony!  Quitting smoking is not easy, and can be uncomfortable, but you can do it.  All of us have been where you are now.  You might want to do some reading in The Newbie Database, lots of fabulous information, there.  Or, if you would rather watch videos Joel Spitzers video library will be helpful.  Be sure to have a snack or juice every couple of hours, as your blood sugar will go a little crazy with your quit.  Lots of lovely quitters, here, ready to cheer you on and help in any way we can!  Congratulations on your decision to quit!!

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well im from san jose, california born and raised. a 10 year navy vet. will be 46 years old in june. not getting any younger. just noticing the last couple of months chest feels tight. decided today its time to try and quit cold turkey

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well im from san jose, california born and raised. a 10 year navy vet. will be 46 years old in june. not getting any younger. just noticing the last couple of months chest feels tight. decided today its time to try and quit cold turkey

In my opinion ,cold turkey is the ...worst...but, also, the easiest and best way to end this addiction.


The tightness in your chest needs checking out.


I just went for back surgery and in the course of normal re-op testiing, discovered I have C.O.P.D. That was quite a shock.. I hand no idea!!


You need to admit to yourself th at you have a drug (nicotine) addiction...no Different than heroine or coke...it's a tough battle, but one that WILL save your life!


You need to educate yourself and take this one day at a time...the urges will be almost unbearable...each time you can get through a craving is a battle won...which only makes your quit that much stronger..


Read everything that is pinned at the top of the forums and educate yourself...its a battle but it's one that many of us have won!, it can be beat and we are here to help in any way we can...


Welcome aboard!!!

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Welcome Tony - you can do this. Read up- there is great information here, make sure you sip water and juice ( quitting does impact sugar levels ), and plan distractions for when craves hit - I used the gym, playing games, reading. Most importantly stay close to the b.oard - you will find great support here :-)

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Hi Tony!! Glad you joined us! Sorry I don't have a lot of time under my belt yet but I'm thankful to have found this website. Everyone has given me the best advice and absolutely have your back during the worst part of the quit.

One day at a time. You can do this!

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thanks for all the support. ive been slipping and had a really rough day yesterday. woke up at 4am in the morning with shortness of breath. felt like it was going to be my time to go. i got through the day though. woke up this morning feeling ok and lit up a few through out the morning with the morning coffee. still having that urge and dont know what to do. i have nicoderm patches i can trry out, but ive read there are side affects from them. little scared to mess with them

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To kick this habit will be one of the toughest thing you will ever do unless you want to climb Mount Everest!


It is not easy or everyone would of quit by now. This habit has been compared to alcoholism, drug addiction (which it is), the worst of the worst!


I used the gum for a week or so until i got through the mental habit of lighting up with my morning coffee, I would drink something else or wait until after some gum. When reaching for a cig in my shirt pocket, I would just beat my chest a couple of times like Tarzan and then grab a piece of gum! 


When your short on breath and can't breath, remember what your feeling like and think of that every time you get an urge to light up! Nobody ever got hurt because of a craving, just stronger when they got over it!


Thinking about quitting and wanting to quit are two different things! You have to want to quit more then you want to smoke!


Someone is here to help you 24/7

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Tony, you are not "slipping", you are making a decision to smoke a cigarette.  If you keep making that decision, you will never quit.  Why are there cigarettes around?  Have you done read the Newbie Database or watched videos?  Just don't put anything in your mouth and set it on fire!  We are here to support you!

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