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I'm having a problem with wanting to vape. I feel like I can justify it because you can get the liquid without nicotine but I know better. I know that vaping is also bad, mostly because it will most likely lead to smoking cigarettes. 


It started last night with a conversation with my mom where I was telling her what a hard time I was having and that I'm always thinking about smoking...even with a vapor pen. She said, "If there's no nicotine, why not? You're depressed and miserable and if vaping would help then why not?" Immediately I felt relieved because I had approval to start smoking with a vapor pen and even though it's not a cigarette, it's something. I asked her if I could smoke the pen at home and she said no. (There's a rule that I can no longer smoke on the property and since I live in the country, the street is pretty far away) so it will still not be convenient. But I tell myself, "Since there's no nicotine you won't be craving it every twenty minutes. You'll be more in control and only smoke once or twice a day." But I know better. I'll probably end up having to walk to road in the pouring rain or 104 degree summer heat many times a day. I would start wheezing again which I would hate too.


Anyway, if I were to start vaping I would end up being miserable but the temptation is so strong! I mean, there's no nicotine so it's not as bad, right?


UGH! I hate this! 

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When I had an e-cig (way back when) I had trouble controlling how much I used it. With a cigarette, your cigarette lasts an infinite amount of time, anywhere from 3-5 minutes. With the e-cig, there was no 'end', I could use it for 15, 20, 25 minutes at a time without even realising! That was my problem. But I was using nicotine, and by the time I went back to smoking normal cigarettes, I was smoking twice what I was before the e-cig...


But, if you can speak to Sharon or Nay, they will probably have more positive stories.


Maybe it depends on your personality? I'm a super duper addictive person (with everything), so maybe that's why it didn't work out for me.

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Hey JC...


Love is in the air...a little bit of romancing going on.


You quit. The nicotine is out of your system for weeks. 


YOU are torturing YOURSELF.


Sometimes we talk about the addiction as a third party - but actually it is just us. We build up the cigarette (or its substitute) to be something that if we did it once or twice a day, it would make all of our problems go away. It would not. It would do NOTHING for us. Its an illusion. 


It's a trick we are playing on ourselves.


Laugh at your restless feelings JC. They are your dependency dying. You are healing. Stick to the plan - you will feel better. I promise.

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Please don't do it, J!  It would be a setback at this point, for sure.  You are almost 3 weeks quit.  Please try to put that idea out of your mind, and think of what you can do, instead.  When the weather is decent why not take that brisk walk to the road, just for the walk!  Keep moving!!

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You have a great quit going.....the way is forward not backwards....

If its the romance of the cig your missing...then retread all you can here.....

If its the hand to the mouth you miss....cut a straw or keep your hands busy....big jigsaw....

Keep coming here and sharing your feelings.....

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