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Mars and Venus are at it again


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A couple of months ago we decided to stop paying for cable TV (which was lousy and expensive) and just go with Netflix. We're saving a bunch of money and Netflix is fine. So all is well. Except that the other day my husband got really irritated with me because I kept asking him to "pause" the video so I could say something (naturally, being the man he has to have control of the remote so I can't pause the playback myself). I got insulted and angry that he would bitch about pausing the video for me to say something every once in a while. We almost escalated to all-out war but fortunately we figured out the problem in time.


The deal is... for some reason most guys think that sitting in the same room together watching the TV constitutes "togetherness". To be fair, my husband really goes out of his way to watch programs that I like so that we can be "together".  But for a woman, watching TV in the same room is not "togetherness". For a woman, "togetherness" means talking to each other. Always.


When we had cable TV, I would think of something that I wanted to say but I would politely wait until a commercial before I spoke. We would always mute the volume and talk during the commercials. But now that we're watching Netflix there ARE no commercials! In order for me to feel my kind of "togetherness" we have to pause the playback and talk a little. 


So DH and I made a deal-- he won't get mad if I periodically ask him to pause the video so I can say something. In turn, I won't make comments about people's appearance as in: "Gosh, he's gotten old!" or "I am so sick of seeing anorexic blondes held up as role models!" He really hates pausing the video for such comments. (Unfortunately, if I can't criticize how people look there isn't much else I CAN say! No fair!  :(  )


Anyway, just a little slice of life from Mars and Venus. B)

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After all, Men Are From...lol


All I have to add to this subject is that despite having cable and Netflix and more than enough TV's in this house, nevermind.  I don't win the battle at home and certainly won't here either. lol


Tonight, if it's anything like the last 8 years, it's Golden Girls DVD's to fall asleep to.  No matter how much I plea, Golden Girls and that damn song is forever stuck in my head.


But I do get very irritated when I'm trying to watch something and people are making small talk etc.  If it wasn't for watching the Orioles and Ravens, cable would be gone in an instant and we'd all be just fine with Netflix.  After all, we watch Netflix far more than cable.


I think I get the games with some Internet subscription so I may look into that get rid of a cable TV.  Way too expensive for what it is anyway.

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I don't care if my SO and I ever talk lol I consider "together" when we go shopping first (something I love) then get wings and beer and watch sports (something he loves). If we rarely talk it's all the better to me, but I have never been a idle chatter type of person.  

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I feel so at home here.....lol

We have more than 1 tv  in our house and for a very good reason.

I don't like to watch "How it's Made".  And I certainly don't like watching the very same episode a couple of months later.

Wth? In case you miss something the first time? 

Once we settle in bed, he has control of the remote. Or so he thinks. He falls asleep and it's mine all mine :)  :)

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I am usually knitting or reading and the tv is background noise to me.  If it is something that I am really interested in watching and we get into a conversation we just rewind it.  Walking Dead is the exception, no one is allowed to speak to me unless there is a commercial or a huge wtf moment. 

I can't see my quit meter? Can anyone else see it?

No it isn't working. 

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I am usually knitting or reading and the tv is background noise to me.  If it is something that I am really interested in watching and we get into a conversation we just rewind it.  Walking Dead is the exception, no one is allowed to speak to me unless there is a commercial or a huge wtf moment. 

No it isn't working. 

Well I wonder if I'll have to reload the meter. ughh. Thanks DD  

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