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Tuesday 21st December 2021


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I am a nope but I must say @notsmokinjo I wondered about Happy Gravy Day.  You  know the drill, went to the google. I did not listen to the song but I have always (almost) known the importance of gravy.  I was married at 20, that first week I cooked a dinner that included mashed potatoes.  I worked hard to make that dinner.  I made a plate for my new husband and placed it on the table. " This looks great, Honey" where is the gravy?  Apparently, mashed potatoes were never served without gravy in his mother's house.  It never happened again.  My husband's whole family was obessed with gravy.  At every holiday meal, the boys were in the kitchen like little chicks.  Mom are you sure you made enough? That does not look like enough.  When dinner was served they were like wild animals fighting over the gravy bowl.  All of them, you took to much, give me the bowl, it is my turn, pass it this way.  Well, I have always known how to make gravy, if you are a girl in the south, you knew how to make gravy.  Sausage gravy over biscuits, brown gravy over roast beef, cream gravy for fried chicken and chicken fried steak.  I just did not realize how important gravy was.  After I demonstrated this skill, I knew I  would never have marital problems.  You can solve every problem with a good bowl of gravy and something else.....


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6 hours ago, Kris said:

I am a nope but I must say @notsmokinjo I wondered about Happy Gravy Day.  You  know the drill, went to the google. I did not listen to the song but I have always (almost) known the importance of gravy.  I was married at 20, that first week I cooked a dinner that included mashed potatoes.  I worked hard to make that dinner.  I made a plate for my new husband and placed it on the table. " This looks great, Honey" where is the gravy?  Apparently, mashed potatoes were never served without gravy in his mother's house.  It never happened again.  My husband's whole family was obessed with gravy.  At every holiday meal, the boys were in the kitchen like little chicks.  Mom are you sure you made enough? That does not look like enough.  When dinner was served they were like wild animals fighting over the gravy bowl.  All of them, you took to much, give me the bowl, it is my turn, pass it this way.  Well, I have always known how to make gravy, if you are a girl in the south, you knew how to make gravy.  Sausage gravy over biscuits, brown gravy over roast beef, cream gravy for fried chicken and chicken fried steak.  I just did not realize how important gravy was.  After I demonstrated this skill, I knew I  would never have marital problems.  You can solve every problem with a good bowl of gravy and something else.....



In the song it mentions the date the 21st December hence the date of making gravy day. Basically a bloke in jail who will not be making it home for Christmas asking his mate to give his kids a kiss and make the gravy for the Christmas roast. It’s been a bit more sad this year as a lot of us are separated from our love ones and will not be able to make that all important act of love the simple task of making the gravy…..

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