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The most serious smoker I have ever seen.

JB 883

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I used to work some gas station. Occasionally, this guy came in who drove some Subaru with a loud stinky exhaust leak, he toted around an oxygen tank, AND he smoked non-filter cigarettes.

One time I said, "you know, this is not a good combination" and he said something about how he was a sick man.

How does someone survive for more than a week like that?


On a different note, we also had this one lady come in who was professional looking like the boss at an office job, her legs were one mile long. No, really, they were 5,280 feet long. Holy **** just the sight made me want to smoke.. anyways I thought, "OK, this woman is TOO hot to be smoking cigarettes". One of those you just wouldn't expect to be a smoker.

I thought that of myself when psyching up to quit. Like look in the mirror and think "Bitch you are TOO hot to be inhaling whatever is in cigarettes."


But yeah, who the hell carries oxygen around and still smokes? /even if the CANNOT quit, couldn't they just switch to chewing tobacco and maybe not create a fire hazard?



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Ten and a half years ago, my 42 year old brother died of lung cancer.  He smoked until he lost consciousness for the final time--and even then, for some time after, he continued making unconscious smoking gestures.  His inability to quit after his diagnosis and through his treatment was a source of profound pain and shame for him, making his impending and actual death even more difficult and frightening for him.  His wife took her own life a few hours after he died, underscoring and adding to the tragedy. 


Smoking kills.


I quit for a better life; just as (and perhaps more) importantly, I quit for a better death.



17+ Years Quit

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Thank you so much for sharing that @Christian99 .. I know you have shared it before, but every time I read it is like a bucket of cold water to the face and the reminder I need to protect my quit come what may. I know I am not the only person who reads this and says "That wont be me" and by sharing your tragedy all around the world your brother & his wives lives and deaths are being given new worth. Thank you again for sharing such a hard memory to carry.

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Thank you for sharing @Christian99....I'm so sorry for your losses....

I too lost my dear friend last year ....taking her last cigarette hours before she passed away ...it was sad to watch ...and sad because she thought she couldn't quit ...

I am thankful every day I found the strength to fight this Demon ....

Reading your post was a good reminder to Never Take Another Puff ....

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