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Daily exercise log for everyone :)

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60 minutes walking.

60+ minutes cleaning (you'd be surprised how many calories you burn!)

Upper body toning for 9(ish) minutes.

Ab workout for 10(ish) minutes.

Jump rope for 5. That's all I can manage. MQ, you were right. Definitely nothing like when we were kids. But I did pretty good considering. 


I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea today. I really need to work on bettering myself. I'm so terrified of sleeping now. I'm thinking my breathing while sleeping has gotten better since March. 3 (that's when my sleep study was), but I'm still scared about the whole thing. 


If anyone has any workouts that would help shed a lot of weight, please let me know. I don't have a lot of equipment nor do I have a gym membership, so any advice would be appreciated. 

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60 minutes walking.

60+ minutes cleaning (you'd be surprised how many calories you burn!)

Upper body toning for 9(ish) minutes.

Ab workout for 10(ish) minutes.

Jump rope for 5. That's all I can manage. MQ, you were right. Definitely nothing like when we were kids. But I did pretty good considering. 


I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea today. I really need to work on bettering myself. I'm so terrified of sleeping now. I'm thinking my breathing while sleeping has gotten better since March. 3 (that's when my sleep study was), but I'm still scared about the whole thing. 


If anyone has any workouts that would help shed a lot of weight, please let me know. I don't have a lot of equipment nor do I have a gym membership, so any advice would be appreciated. 


I don't know what your fitness/diet goals are, but it has been said losing weight is 80% diet and 20% diet.  While I am not an expert by any means, I know that cardio is great for burning calories and weights can help with boosting metabolism, as well as warding off osteoporosis later in life.  I belong to a cheapy gym, lol $20.99/mth and it is worth every penny, if not more.

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I agree with Colleen losing weight does start in the kitchen and I have heard the 80% diet 20% exercise thing........exercise helps with a multitude of things such as toning, building your metabolism and bones health but we also have to be honest with ourselves on how we eat if keeping a food journal helps that is what I did it opened my eyes to what I was eating and how much to me moderation is the key.......some things needed to be eliminated like pop/soda but there are some things that I just lessened the amount that I eat and that worked for me.....you just have to find something that works for you and can be be done as a lifestyle change that can be sustainable for life.

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Thanks guys!


I was using MFP (MyFitnessPal) for a while, but got discouraged when I wasn't losing any weight. Even though I had changed my diet and was working out more. Well, I've started logging my food again and have decided not to weigh myself every day or obsess about it. I'm going to look for healthy recipes and cut out what I think would add on the pounds (soda, chips, etc.) I bought some healthier snack alternatives yesterday.


My biggest problem is I'm not very strict and I tend to give into temptation. When I cave, I cave hard! I overdo it because I've neglected myself of particular foods. I think the key here is moderation and being accountable for what I eat and how much I work out. 


Colleen, I'm really considering joining a gym. I need to lose a lot of weight and I want to do it the natural way. The doctor asked me if I've considered surgery, but I really don't want to go that route. I am so stressed about all of this! I have been big my entire life and try my best to stay active, but I really struggle with losing the weight and keeping it off. 


Oh, if any of you have healthy snack and breakfast ideas, let me know!

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try to see it as a lifestyle change and not a diet I think that mindset would help make it sustainable although we all eat a "diet" of some sort good or bad.......give yourself a cheat day now that does not mean go crazy and eat everything in sight day but allow certain foods on that day in moderation of course that you dont normally allow that way you wont feel that you are missing anything....remember portion control


Maybe this pic will help I dont know just throwing it out there.....more veggies and lean meats less junk try veggies for snacks instead of chips......there are recipes online that you can find and try dont be afraid to try new things you might like them. Dont think that you cant have certain foods because in moderation it is ok and tracking your food and calories for awhile would be a good idea so you can teach yourself about your eating habits and adjust accordingly.......I hope this helps. remember just because you might slip a little or eat something you might feel guilty about let it go and move forward keep going you quit smoking you can lose weight :)

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Jogged today.  1.7 miles for 1/2 hour.  I went up a hill and back down. The hill is very steep; I quick walk up most of the way.  I try to jog up, but have to walk often.  I can jog down, but I got a side ache today :(.  My goal is to be able to jog up the hill without stopping.  I haven't set a date to achieve this goal yet.  :)


Here is my view to the south when I get to the top.  The view to the North is just as stunning.  

Beautiful day in Colorado today.



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Spin class this morning :)

Jogged today.  1.7 miles for 1/2 hour.  I went up a hill and back down. The hill is very steep; I quick walk up most of the way.  I try to jog up, but have to walk often.  I can jog down, but I got a side ache today :(.  My goal is to be able to jog up the hill without stopping.  I haven't set a date to achieve this goal yet.   :)


Here is my view to the south when I get to the top.  The view to the North is just as stunning.  

Beautiful day in Colorado today.



I am certain I have seen that exact view before...Mork & MIndy?

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Spin class this morning :)

I am certain I have seen that exact view before...Mork & MIndy

Maybe a similar view.  This one was taken from my phone this morning.  Mork & Mindy was was filmed in Boulder, which is northwest to where I live.  Pikes Peak is in Colorado Springs and would be more straight south of Boulder.  (Pikes Peak is the big mountain in the background. :) ) 


Way to go spinning with those new shoes!  You go girl! 

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