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Feeling overwhelmed and of course so close to that smoke


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So things to remember....


If you have a smoke it:

  • WILL NOT  change your parents attitudes
  • WILL NOT let you parents be able to care for themselves
  • WILL NOT make your brother's pull their heads out of their arses
  • WILL NOT make you feel better or stronger
  • WILL NOT fix any of your problems.
  • WILL make you feel like shit
  • WILL give your parents the opportunity to say "I told you so"
  • WILL be bad for your health
  • WILL make things worse, your health, your self respect, your confidence.


Sweetie, your whole life your parents and/or your smokes have controlled your life... but you have said NOPE, not happening no more, no how... you are taking back control... so the nicotine receptors you wired into your brain are being re-wired but are protesting with those crave things and urges. Just remember a few weeks ago how hard it was not to give into those and how much easier it is getting because you are the one in control and you have the power. Go back and read your first posts and see how much you have grown as a person, in both confidence and self respect... see that's the unexpected bonus of giving up smoking, you learn just how strong you are, you learn to love and respect yourself again... you learn how to stand on your own two feet its an amazing gift you are giving yourself. So as you progress with your quit and become stronger and more confident and more assertive just like those nicotine receptors are going to buck the re-wiring your parents are going to fight the New Linda, Wonder Woman Extraordinaire... they still want the control and you know that nothing controls you but you... not anymore. (Oh, and for some bonus motivation... what's the first thing your parents are going to say if you smoke... "see we told you so, we knew you couldn't do it".... don't you just want to give them a big F.U. by prooving them wrong?). 


I've told you before I think you are amazing for doing so much for your parents considering your childhood.... they should be on their knees chanting "we're not worthy, we're not worthy" not making you feel bad about yourself that you aren't caring for them properly... especially when neither of them is doing anything to help themselves. So you told them enough was enough, they cut you out then your mum got sick... that was not your fault, that was their fault, they made those decisions, not you, they chose to cut their noses off to spite themselves not you.... so don't you take any blame or guilt for that, that's on them. 


So repeat after me:  I am Linda. I do not smoke today. I am AMAZING and BRILLIANT and STRONG.I deserve happiness.



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^^^^ You see Linda, these kind of responses are what makes this place so great! Jo is bang on here :) It's very unfortunate you have the issues with your parents that you do but smoking again would not help at all and in fact would make things even worse. My mother is turning 98 this November and lives on her own in a three story house. She should not be there - no question but .......... try and talk her into leaving!! Between my brother and I, we make it work but just barely. 


When you are quitting, frustration levels are off the charts which makes dealing with other frustrating life situations very difficult - no question, we are under a lot of stress when in our early quit days. Hang on and deal with your other life issues as best you can while protecting that beautiful quit. Maintaining your quit status is Job #1 in the grand scheme of things.

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7 minutes ago, notsmokinjo said:

So repeat after me:  I am Linda. I do not smoke today. I am AMAZING and BRILLIANT and STRONG.I deserve happiness.

I do feel pretty amazed I haven't given into that smoke.  Brilliant and Strong are pretty big shoes to fill but I am working on it.  Happiness will be living the rest of my life smoke free. 

Thanks so much for all your words of encouragement.  You are some pretty amazing people

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3 hours ago, Christa326 said:

my 12 year old (then 10)  was diagnosed w/ osteomyelitis of his spinal disc and couldn't walk. with a lot of hospital time and recovery he is fine now,

Christa,  If I remember correctly, you have also lost a step child.  My heart goes out to you and your family.   You must be a pillar of strength.  I know you are just starting you quit but if we hang together hopefully we will achieve success together.  Thanks so much for your words of support.

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15 hours ago, Linda Thomas said:

My one brother lives in the same community but could care less.  I called my other brother, who lives in California, and his attitude was "Well you will be compensated when they die". 


Yeah but then when they DO pass on, your brothers will probably be there wondering what THEY got left in the will.

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