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It kind of hit me the other day while I way playing tennis. I cleared my throat and at that second I realized how I don't constantly cough or clear my throat anymore.

Truth is, while I was completely obsessed with all the benefits of not smoking for a long time, I rarely really think about how great it is to not smoke anymore.

I don't think about how I smell really good all the time
I don't think about how much money I'm saving
I don't think about the time I don't have to spend outside, alone
I don't think about how I had to change my shirt 2-3 times a day
I don't think about how I obsessively washed my hands 20-30+ times a day
I don't think about how my breath still stank after I brushed my teeth
I don't think about the all the gum I used to chew
I don't think about how miserable flying was because I couldn't smoke on the plane
I don't think about how I would have to stop for smoke breaks whenever I  did pretty much anything that lasted longer than 45 minutes, wasting not only my time, but also the time of whoever I Was with
I don't think about how my girlfriend hated how much I smoked.
I don't think about how I need to kick the habit anymore
I don't think about a lot of things.

I guess my point is that I don't really think about how great it is to not smoke anymore,  I just don't smoke and I tell you what, it's a great place to be. :)


So to any of you that may be struggling, please know that it gets better and you will get to that place one day. I loved smoking more than anyone and if I can achieve this, anyone can.



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G'day Jim

Im an extinct smoker after 2 1/2 ish years. 

Loved your post, in some ways I need to be reminded. I'm still an adict, always will be. ( it's a 40year  plus chemical time thing) 

reading helps me maintain the rage ...lest I forget!

Regards Chris

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