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Still winning

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Posts posted by Still winning

  1. The minute I call it a diet I fall off the wagon lol. I spent a couple of years tracking on my fitness pal and just got a feel for what works and doesn't for me, now I just use it to keep myself accountable and often do a challenge each month, sometimes fitness sometimes weight based. I still snack on crisps and biscuitsbut only on heavy exercise days, the other days I'll have garlic olives, pickled beetroot, watermelon or grapes etc. Just 2 meals, I don't need or want 3. It was a gradual shift towards just looking after myself better and I think we all get in a habit of just eating what we've always eaten?  So I know if I want to shift weight, I need to amend the kitchen first.

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  2. Don't come on here that often but I'm still working out. I prefer bodycombat (les mills) classes and the occassional pilates or zumba. I really must get on a treadmill and start walking/jogging as I'm thinking of doing a 5K later this year having not run at all for years. I am just procrastinating lol. But weight is tracking down at a healthy 1lbs per week which I'm happy with. 1 lb away from where I'm happy but will keep going for a while and see where my body naturally stops as I could be lighter, I just don't feel that I NEED to be if you see what I mean. All good and my strength is increasing steadily. Pretty comfortable actually.

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  3. Les mills, zumba early in the week. Then an avalanche of pub shifts all 5/6 hours long weds onwards including today so I will take it easy around that. Waitressing is a workout on it's own lol. Class booked for Sunday morning but I really need to think about doing some running if my sister and I decide to go ahead with a 5k fun run thing. hmmm.

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  4. Weekend off with the children. Back to it tomorrow.


    On 3/16/2018 at 10:47 PM, Weegie said:

    Good work today marti. Are you planning any exercise tomorrow? I do the classes too they are brilliant. Do you know ft fit? That's my fav but i like them all (even old skool step) 


    I used to do step in an aerobics style class but not anymore. I do a couple of the bodycombats, building back up to the cx worx which is his ab one but I know it kills. I I do zumba & Pilates and Swim and am beginning to train just once a week for a charity 5K that I'm probably not going to avoid this year lol. 

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