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Everything posted by NayNay

  1. Started back to exercising yesterday. It's been a while. I used to do Zumba 4 days a week, walk around the neighborhood, lift weights. When the gym I went to (was literally less than 5 minutes away) closed, I stopped exercising. That was almost 2 years ago now. Wow. So, back I go. Doing some aerobics from youtube videos at home. Hooked my computer up to the TV and away I went! Starting slow, but 30 minutes was enough. A little sore today from squats, but it's okay. No pain no gain right? I forgot just how energizing exercise can be. Before too long I know I will look at it again as something I really need as my body will crave it. For right now, I really have to force myself, but I'm determined.
  2. Well, got my butt back into exercise mode yesterday. Starting off a bit slow right now so I don't overstress my body (I have difficulty with overproduction of cortisol, so too much strenuous exercise will cause it to rise even more). I did 30 minutes of beginner's dance aerobics. It made me sweat, so I feel I did good. I will continue with that daily for a week or two and then perhaps see how my body and blood sugars are taking it. I will continue to add more time and perhaps some weights as I go along. But, just getting back to doing exercises daily is a definite step in the right direction.
  3. Sandy, way to go girl!!!! Keep it going. You are doing great. So proud of you!
  4. Roland, welcome my friend! We are all here to support and encourage one another in our quit or our resolve to remain quit. I am coming up on 3 months smoke free. I do use an e-cig, but with no nicotine. I'm glad that you are attempting to quit cold turkey. I give you loads of credit, because that method never worked for me. I would cry and go into panic mode. I did the gum, patches all in the past as well. The only thing that has worked for me was using an e-cig. I don't plan on vaping forever, and hope to be rid of the e-cig by years end. That is my plan anyway. Although e-cigs are not an approved NRT, it is working for me, but it is important that I had a plan in place as far as cutting down the nicotine level and then going to zero nicotine. I wish I were strong enough to do cold turkey, but I just know it didn't work for me. Whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen, I'm here for ya buddy!
  5. So, I have found a new home that I feel very comfortable at. The Quittrain is such a kind and encouraging place. I look forward to making new friends, and am so glad to see recent friends from another place. It has been such a great struggle to get through these almost last three months without smoking a real cigarette. Most of the time I'm okay with no craves. But there are times that those craves become so great and strong, I want to rip my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs because I hate feeling them. I've been through a lot of anxiety and struggles over these months, and I'm really proud of myself for not giving in and going back to nastiness. I hope I can offer help and encouragement to all those seeking that help here at this forum. I love people and communicating, and if I have a word of wisdom or advice that can possibly make a difference in someone's life, then I feel I've done good.
  6. Ava, I've been a coffee drinker from probably the age of 16! So there was no replacing smoking with coffee. I did have to cut out the caffeine, but that's okay. Don't really need all that hyperness. My anxieties give me that "jolt" daily :lol:
  7. Oh you guys! It will all be fine! You have to cut those apron strings at some point. What difference does it make that your baby boy's are entering High School? Is it any difference to when they entered kindergarten, or elementary? 40 is the new 30! I think the thought of having another baby at 40 is insane! Do you really want to go through that up at all hours of the night changing diapers, feedings, burping, trying to coax and plead with an infant to please just go back to sleep now cuz I'm exhausted? Not this gal. Besides, I'm gonna be 52 soon, and well, that plumbing was yanked almost 15 years ago. I would definitely go for the sports car...what fun! I would be sure to buy myself a whole new wardrobe so you can drive around town in style! New hairdo, perhaps go to the gym and get really buff, new clothes, new sports car. That should make you feel all better :) Really, it's not the end of the world. With High School comes a new sense of accomplishment in what you created and how successful they are becoming. Take pride in that and continue leading them in the right direction. Trust me, when they graduate from High School, you will be the one beaming with pride and tears in your eyes. This is what you've been getting them ready for their whole life. Now continue doing it! Hugs. I know it's difficult for Mom's to let go of their little men. I had daughters. Wasn't as difficult I don't think.
  8. Lace, I know what it feels like to struggle, but you got this sweetie! You can get through those struggles with strength and perseverence. If you need us, we are here for you.
  9. Way to go Action! Keep turning those corners, but not too fast or you might get dizzy
  10. Again, thanks to the late comers and their warm welcome. I feel so giddy now with all you lovely people. Joe, yes I do remember you from the other site!!! Nice to see you here. I believe I have found a much kinder and gentler home here. Already I feel like I've come out of the war to a huge warm embrace. Thank you for that.
  11. Unfortunately El Bandito, yes I'm sure. I had to cut my caffeine intake big time after quitting because the caffeine was affecting my nerves and anxiety more. I didn't know that the absence of nicotine causes caffeine to have a greater effect on your nervous system. So, I cut way back. I use a 75/25 decaf/caf mix in the morning (gotta have some caffeine; otherwise I get a horrible headache) and I switched to just decaf in the evenings because I was having difficulty falling asleep. Caffeine never had that affect on me before, but then again I was a pack a day smoker too. So I guess you do what you gotta do to keep the quit right? I'm adjusting and finding that it really is just the coffee that I like; not necessarily the caffeine.
  12. Wow! Thank you all for such a warm and kind welcome to quittrain! I already feel like I've found a new home. Putting my warm and fuzzy socks on, getting my decaf cup of coffee, and reading lots! Just so people know, I do use an e-cig, and although many of you say you don't care how someone quits, as long as they quit and stay that way. That is such music to my ears. I do not vape with nicotine; I only vape because of being a diabetic and cannot allow myself to use food as an alternative at this point in my life. I struggle with my diabetes, and it is so very important that I do not eat foods that are dangerous to my health. Therefore, the vaping gives me a way to enjoy certain flavors of things I'd love to either eat or drink, but cannot. I do have a plan to be off the e-cig by years end, so I did use it as a way to cut down on my nicotine until I reached no nicotine. I'm now working on the psychological aspect of the hand to mouth thing, and to help defray stress and anxiety (which also causes me lots of trouble). I am so glad that I finally had enough of the abuse and bullying that I was experiencing because of using an e-cig from another site. I do see many here that I had seen previously from the other site. I unfortunately feel like you all had enough as well. Again, thank you all for accepting and welcoming me into your group. I plan on participating quite a bit as I feel I can offer support, encouragement, and understanding to anyone newly quitting or having difficulty with a quit. I know so many are the same, so on those days I need that support, I'm certain I've found a place to find it. Hugs to all of you.
  13. I can understand the want to smoke after having a really bad day; however we all have to face those bad day's and you just have to be solid with your quit to get through it. I had a very rough weekend with a sick dog, and I had an anxiety attack on Saturday morning and wanted to smoke to bad; but I didn't. I did not go buy cigarettes, I do not have cigarettes in my house, and I just kept pushing that crave and those feelings away. Instead, I got on the phone and called my husband (who was out of town at an event) and he talked to me and calmed me down. That helped more than a cigarette could have, and it lasted the rest of the weekend. A cigarette could not have done that.
  14. Nancy, HUGE HUGS from me to you. You are awesome and I understand the crying when asking for support. That's how I am too. You can only do so much by yourself and be strong for so long, and then you just have to let it all out and let others gather round to renew your spirit. God above will get you through all this. Sorry if you are not religious, but I believe strongly in the power of prayer, and I am praying for strength and support from Him for you. Hugs, Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs.
  15. Doreen, you can do this! Looking silly in the beginning is half the fun! You will catch on and look just as graceful as the rest in no time. Good for you.
  16. Thanks Tracey. I recognize you as well! Great to see you again!
  17. Way to go Ross! Such an inspiration!
  18. Thanks. Ross my friend, hello! Chrispy; thanks for the welcome. I do not plan on being on the e-cig forever. I am hoping to be off of it by year's end. I do not use any nicotine, so realistically I'm just vaping steam; flavored steam, but steam nonetheless. I cannot eat sweets, so I use flavors such as pina colada, or pineapple, or hazelnut as a "dessert" if you will. I plan on keepin on for sure. Just the thought of smoking a regular cigarette makes me nauseous!
  19. I'd just like to say hello to all my friends who were on another quit site that I am seeing here! So nice to be back amongst all of you. Perhaps now I can communicate about quitting and my experiences without being made to feel like a loser. I'm not a loser; I'm a quitter!
  20. Doreen, so happy for you! Congratulations on one year smoke free! You are a huge inspiration and I cannot wait until I hit that level! Thank you for sharing.
  21. So, my name is Renee, my nickname is NayNay. Many here on quittrain may recognize me from another quit site. I have stopped going there because of some horrible people who like to bully others. I quit smoking on May 23, 2014 after almost 40 years of smoking. I am a Type 2 diabetic, and smoking and diabetes just do not mix. I had attempted to quit smoking numerous times over the past 40 years, however this time I used an electronic cigarette to get to 0 nicotine. Although I continue to use my e-cig for vaping, I do not use nicotine juices. I do have a weight issue, and the vaping keeps the hand to mouth busy without using food. Besides, I'm limited on snack foods because of the diabetes. So, enough of that. I have not smoked an analog cigarette in almost 3 months, and have to say I'm pretty darn proud of myself. I thought this day would never come, but here it is! I had tried cold turkey, the patch, the gum, weening down. None of it ever stuck. As a matter of fact, I didn't make it much more than a day or two without giving up and going back to smoking. I had purchased my electronic cigarette a while ago hoping to use it to quit. It wasn't until just recently that I actually got my head wrapped around quitting that I was successful. There are still times that I get a crave or two; especially during times of great stress or anxiety, but I get through them. So, I am through the withdrawal from the nicotine, but still like the vaping. I truly hope to find a more gentle, kind, supportive and encouraging group here. I did notice there are many members here who I saw on the other site, so obviously I wasn't the only one who felt like I did. Great to see you all here!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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