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Blog Entries posted by SanDar

  1. SanDar
    Getting my sleep pattern back on course finally (keeping my fingers crossed).
    I started this quit smoking way back in May, and just this past week got some good sleep.
    This sounds trivial compared to what some folks are going through, but I find it hard to cope each day without at least
    5 hours of sleep. And finally it's coming around. Whoo hoo!
  2. SanDar
    Has it really been 2 weeks? This past week has flown by!
    I am feeling very strong in my quit :)
    This past week I reduced my Chantix to 1 dose in the morning, as the nausea in the evening was bad.
    So I am taking just the 1 pill in the morning and noticing no difference. If anything changes, I will go right back to the full dose.
    I have said it before, but will say it again. This quit feels so different than any other before. The fear of failure is just not here. I will never smoke again, but I know enough to never let my guard down in any situation.And at just 2 weeks I run the risk of sounding over-confident. There is just NO reason for me to ever pick up that disgusting habit again. Once I realized smoking did absolutely NOTHING for me; it's become so easy to NOPE.
    And if I should run into trouble - I know I can come to this board and find the encouragement (or kick in the butt) to set me straight!
    I love this place :)
  3. SanDar
    All done with hell week. And well, it really wasn't as hellish as I thought it would be.
    Fairly easy actually, well maybe not "easy peasy" but definitely doable!
    First couple days were kinda blah. I found keeping busy was helpful.
    The huge thing though is realizing I'm not giving up or sacrificing anything at all.
    In fact, the total opposite is true - I'm receiving so much!
    The health benefits appearing this early are real motivators.
    I can do this, I am doing this! :)
  4. SanDar
    Day y 4 is down and dusted.
    What I really need to think about now is patience. This is what got me into trouble in my previous quit.
    I can't hurry to my new normal, it will just happen when it happens. So Sandy chill out!
    Had a couple thoughts of smoking today, but really nothing serious. Oh, and boredom. I need to be careful of that. Smoking is what I did whenever I was bored. My plan now is to try one of my alternatives such as getting on the forum to read.
    This quit really does feel different this time. I never want to smoke again. It offers absolutely nothing. What a waste of my health, time, money and every other aspect of my life it affected.
    Well, enough rambling. I can go to bed tonight and be thankful that I am a non smoker :D
  5. SanDar
    July 24, 2014 I put down that last nasty, awful cig and said to myself "No more!".
    I have been taking Chantix, and it is working. I had not planned to quit that day, but could not stand smoking for another day!
    Now here it is July 25th, and I'm smoke-free!I cannot possibly do this again so I just know this is going to be my final quit.
    I'm glad to have found this Quit Train forum :)
    Oh, and my coffee really tastes like coffee today :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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