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November 9 2017

So 2nd quit while on the Quit Train is quite strange indeed.......only 3 days in and I feel like its been at least 2 weeks! Seems like forever........Ive had some beautiful people contact me privately and its so nice to know that you care..........had to laugh this morning as my significant other went out to have his half a smoke this morning and how cold he was when he did....I really did chuckle........  



November 8 2017

Hello Blog.......feeling kinda strange today........little blips of "IWAC" but not really......kinda weird, they're not really serious thoughts, more like just little balloons of thoughts that pop.......the thought comes and then when I think of how horrible it REALLY will be, its like "No thank you, Im good"......other than that feeling kinda energetic and spunky........getting ready to do some walking, then come home and take care of other things.......maybe make a homemade carrot cake with th



November 7 2017

Not sure what to write today.......a little scared to write anything.........quit time was actually yesterday at 8am........24 hrs has been achieved........I hope that others who read this understand, we all have our different journeys for this....we all have our different stories.....we all have different minds, souls and beliefs........I do hope to help others one day in their journey (when I understand the journey myself) and do hope I will not judge their actions along their journey........



Uggghhhh, I Slipped

So, had a weak moment.......I slipped Friday eve.........not feeling very good about this AT ALL........start over? AGAIN! Never give up! Keep trying........



First Entry into Blog Oct 30 2017

So here is the funny part.......in my past attempts to quit, I had often thought about starting a blog or more like an online journal if you will.....so this is pretty darn cool I must say :D Destiny maybe?? Day 3 of not smoking........actually 36 hours as of 10:07am this morning......feeling pretty good, actually spectacular.....breathing is getting better and overall just plain feel good including my attitude. This can actually be a dangerous time for me as in the past, I have said to myself



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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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