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Nearly fell <ok jumped> off the train


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Before mom stopped hiding her cigarettes I did well on my quit. But after she stopped, that temptation grew bigger and bigger. I ruined a 3 month quit. And that meant I was out of the icky threes. Now I'm starting all over again, but she isn't hiding her cigarettes still so that temptation is still there. I wish my mom would just quit with me. I know I have to deal with the temptations other places, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to at home. I want to throw the cigs out so bad. Or maybe just have mom keep the lighter with her or something, instead of right next to the cigs. SOMETHING. I'm hanging on to my disgust of them and how bad they made me feel, but it's not easy. I got about halfway through today when I gave in. Tomorrow, I hope I can make it the whole day and get back started on my quit.


I don't know how you do it, Porky. But you're definitely someone to look up to.

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Oh indigo. I'm not different to the other quitters here. We all get the same result in the end only our journeys are different. For you, it's a fact that your mum's cigs will remain on the table for you until you take them off. Your mum, as with all smokers, will not understand the importance of your quit and you can't rely on her to help you. The only person that can do this is you. And you don't want to smoke. So choose not to. Make a list of why you don't want to smoke. Then make one of the reasons you do. You shouldn't find much, if anything on the second list. Because there is literally NOT ONE REASON to smoke. There is not one single good thing about smoking. Take that thought. Hold onto that thought. Repeat it over and over and grow it into a big strong wall around your quit. And mostly, stop bloody smoking!!

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lol Thanks Pork. I needed that. I recommended to someone that they keep a list of reasons not to smoke around the house. I still haven't done it. I'll have to do that today. I'll even put one where the cigarettes are so when I'm tempted if I go there, I'll see my list and read it out loud.

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